The Eurozone Crisis in a Single Picture, a Venn Diagram

Check it out via the Telegraph via a Twitter post by @Pawelmorski. Heh.

Update: Here is another image on the cover of Bloomberg Businessweek


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4 comments on “The Eurozone Crisis in a Single Picture, a Venn Diagram

  1. paradoxymoron says:

    Pretty sure that the Greeks feel that the circle representing “What will work” is to be found somewhere inside the borders of the German nation, and the Germans feel that it lies somewhere inside Greece.

  2. clarin says:

    Now if only the Greeks “will work” (and pay taxes) …. 🙂 – I think that would be “acceptable to Germany”.
    Moral: you can’t have a North European standard of living on a Southern European lifestyle.

  3. AnglicanFirst says:

    Greece’s problem seems to be a childlike belief in the “state” being able to provide all of the resources necessary to make real “utopian” pipe dreams.

    But, utopia is “…any place or state of ideal perfection….” which is an impossibility because human beings, the necessary implementers of utopia, are imperfect. They can be and often are devious, dishonest, selfish and self-focused, power hungry, lazy, greedy, etc. and the list goes on. These negative human traits are a constant of human existance and they make it impossible for humans, by themselves to create a “heaven on earth” or anywhere else.

    All those seeking to impose their form of utopia on others can do is to create an unrealistic imbalance in the world that will require sacrifice from others as they try to achieve utopian goals such as retirement at age 60, universal highest (not just high) healthcare for all, etc.

    And the socialist governments of Europe that are bringing down the Euro are guilty of trying to do just that.

    Why should other Euriopean governments such as Germany be forced to damage their own people just because of the irresponsibility of the Greeks, Spanish, etc.

  4. AnglicanFirst says:

    On a second reading of my comment #3 I realized that when I wrote “…retirement at age 60,…” I meant “…retirement at age 50,….”