A NBC News Video Report on the Pentecostal Church

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Posted in * Religion News & Commentary, Other Churches, Pentecostal

5 comments on “A NBC News Video Report on the Pentecostal Church

  1. Knapsack says:

    . . . whatcha gotta have is the ominous Brian Williams lead-in: “a growing phenomenon inside our nation’s cities.” Made it sound like an infection; Lovely Wife heard it the same way.

    And congrats, NBC, for jumping on the breaking news that Black Pentecostal churches are big in the inner city. Other than a nod to Azusa and 1906, the implication was that this was a last few years thing on the scale and impact they (admittedly) showed. Sorry guys, you’re really, really late on this story.

  2. vulcanhammer says:

    #1: 101 years too late.
    [blockquote]But you shall receive power, when the Holy Spirit shall have descended upon you, and shall be witnesses for me not only in Jerusalem, but throughout Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.” (Acts 1:8)[/blockquote]

  3. recchip says:

    Interesting story. It really made the Pentecostals look “respectable.” Many of these stories end up with somebody playing with the rattlesnake. The people in that video were not the full blown “Holy Rollers” who cause people to look at Christians funny.
    I have had to “explain” that “not all Christians” are “way out” many times to folks.
    And before the attacks begin, I think our Pentecostal brothers and sisters are an interesting part of Chrisendom.

  4. Robert A. says:

    I think our Pentecostal brothers and sisters are probably the future of Christendom – leastwise the part that doesn’t become hopelessly secularized. Not that there’s any reason why Anglicans can’t claim the gifts as well, of course.

  5. azusa says:

    I look forward to their future report on up & coming breakthroughs, like cell phones and that internet thing.