(Nigerian Guardian) Bishops’ Retreat 2013: Anglican Church Seeks Reward For Faithful Clergy

”˜It’s Opportunity For Mutual Assistance’

([THE] RT. REV. JOSEPH N. MUSA, Bishop of Idah)

THE work we do is such that only God rewards our labour. But God always raises up people to support the work. We have discovered, often, that many Bishops do not take the issue of rewarding workers very seriously. Our first priority should be satisfying our congregation, and Priests are our immediate congregation. Inability to meet the need of workers would invariably affect the work.

Of course, there are dioceses that are not very viable. Apart from receiving assistance from other dioceses that are buoyant, there are some lay workers who are ready to offer services at no cost. Engaging such would reduce overhead cost.

A significance of the retreat is that when we come together like this, dioceses are able to help one another out of problems.

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