Three Day Celebration to Honor 75th Anniversary of St. Christopher Camp

High School student North Wilkins is baptized by the Rev. Chris Warner

Prayer before the race begins
The three-day celebration kicked off on Saturday with the Barrier Island 5K Run/Hike with more than 150 runners and hikers traveling through the forest. It ended with a ½ mile stretch on the beach. Chad Bateson, 15, a rising sophomore at Socastee High School in Myrtle Beach came in first with a time of 19:53. “This was my first time doing a 5K,” said Chad. “It was a really interesting, cool trail.”

The Senior High School Session of summer camp ended on Saturday so those attending the anniversary festivities were invited to the closing ceremony where students spoke about their weeklong experience. Afterwards the group moved to the beach where they shared in the baptism of a fellow camper.
On Monday the first event of the day was the unearthing of a time capsule, which had been buried 25 years earlier. A crowd gathered under the picnic pavilion to recover the red tube. Some of those present had been there when the capsule was buried.

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Posted in * South Carolina

One comment on “Three Day Celebration to Honor 75th Anniversary of St. Christopher Camp

  1. SC blu cat lady says:

    That picture of the HS student being baptized is my favorite. You can imagine the priest saying “You are sealed by the Holy Spirit in Baptism and marked as Christ’s own forever.”