(Ed Stetzer) Ten Things I've Learned on Twitter

2. To do well on Twitter (and in social media in general), you need a plan.

Tony Morgan taught me that. He wrote that he would focus on leadership and strategy, and he did. On my blog, I focus on church, culture, and leadership””and my tweets reflect the blog focus.

You need a plan that includes what you will focus on, how often you will tweet, etc.

If you are a pastor, you can’t just say, “I will focus on my church.” You need more than that. What is your church’s passion? Focus on that. Then tweet about it.

3. Social media needs personality….

Read it all.


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One comment on “(Ed Stetzer) Ten Things I've Learned on Twitter

  1. Pageantmaster Ù† says:

    I do love the American digi-Articles [we don’t see so much of them over here] –
    – Five Sure-Fire Ways to Become a Millionaire
    – Six Secrets of Eternal Youth
    – Seven Definite Signs Your Pastor is a Heretic
    – Do you have Deadly Ebola Virus? Eight Tell-Tale Signs
    It all is so encouraging, and I find it impossible not to click on the link, even though I don’t care two hoots why Ed Stetzer wouldn’t reply to a tweet, even if I knew who he was. Honest – here are nine ways you can tell!