(TEC priest) Jared Cramer of Michigan Publishes some of his paper's for the Sewanee D.Min. Program

A lot of fodder to think against and learn from–check it out.


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One comment on “(TEC priest) Jared Cramer of Michigan Publishes some of his paper's for the Sewanee D.Min. Program

  1. New Reformation Advocate says:

    Thanks for posting this valuable material from an obscure academic source, Kendall. I particularly recommend a careful reading of the second item.

    It’s a fascinating 33-page paper tracing the historical evolution of the Rites of Christian Initiation in England up to the Reformation, with special attention to what the surviving archtectural evidence implies. I would dispute a few of the author’s conclusions, but I found his original work indeed stimulating and generally persuasive. In a post-Christendom society such as we now face everywhere in the Global North, the long-nbeglected process of Christian Initiation, including its ritual dimension, has once again taken on tremendous significance. As Kendall notes, there is a lot of fodder for fresh thinking here.

    David Handy+