Up to 18 People Wounded in a Shooting at Northern Illinois University

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10 comments on “Up to 18 People Wounded in a Shooting at Northern Illinois University

  1. Brian from T19 says:

    CNN reports only 2 shot and the gunman dead

  2. APB says:

    Currently: Seventeen people were wounded, three critically, authorities say. The gunman took his own life, officials say.

    Plenty to pray for.

  3. libraryjim says:

    Definately to pray for.

    Today I had to ask an older teen ager (maybe over 18, it’s hard to tell) to please stop singing aloud along with the video he was watching. I tried to interject humor:

    “Excuse me, sir, but this isn’t ‘American idol’. Please don’t sing along with the video, it disturbs the other patrons.”

    “Hey, wat you axin me that way for?”

    “Because I thought it would be better to use humor rather than to simply ask you to shut up”

    “You better not tell me to shut the F* up.”

    “Sir, I didn’t tell you to ‘shut up’, and if you are going to use language like that you will have to leave the computer area”

    “F* the computer area”

    I had to get the security guard to escort him first from the room, then later from the library when he kept on ‘picking on me’ for telling him to ‘shut up’.

    So, yes, I can see someone like him going to get a gun.

    So tired of working with people.

    Jim E.

  4. Charming Billy says:


    My consolations, Jim. I have to deal with exactly the same sort of behavior. In fact, I’ll probably have to deal with a situation like that tonight. They didn’t tell us about that in library school, did they?

  5. libraryjim says:

    Not a bit. And those workshops on customer service, with the role playing scripts with the endings fabricated so it’s a positive outcome? arrrghh! They need to come into the workplace and actually try them out on irate patrons who have no intention of being mollified or even having a ‘happy ending’. some of those scripts need to end with someone shouting “Duck for cover!”.

    Sorry don’t mean to make light of the situation on the thread, it’s just that after a day like today, I can really see this happening anywhere, including the public library.

  6. robroy says:

    I went over to one of my attending’s house while in medical school. His 12 year old son was playing “Grand Theft Auto.” At the time, I was ignorant of the violence of the game. My kids were younger. As my kids are getting older, I plan to be a mean daddy and put the kibosh on things like that. Unfortunately, many parents let the kids have free reign. I would really like to know if these kids are playing the same video games. Just publicizing the names of these games would be helpful.

  7. physician without health says:

    I have noticed that the coverage of this tragedy is not nearly as extensive as that following the VA Tech massacre. Admittedly fewer people died at Northern Illinois, but part of me wonders whether we as a nation are getting numb to the magnitude of these tragedies.

  8. Summersnow says:

    Morning report on ChicagoTribune.com–7 now dead including the gunman. News conference to be given at 9 a.m. cst.

  9. AnglicanFirst says:

    There are a lot of white tail deer on and around my farm which has a good mix of forest and field.

    I am a hunter and am not adverse to others hunting on my property. However, I have posted my property and only permit a reasonable number of my neighbors to hunt on my land. I do not welcome strangers, particularly those from the city.

    My justification is based upon what I know about my neighbors. They have been brought up with fire arms in the home and have been taught to use them responsibly by their elders. That is, they are culturally competent handlers of fire arms and responsible hunters.

    On the other hand, strangers, especially those from city areas, are an unknown quantity and I will not tolerate learning about them by ‘trial and error’ when it comes to the responsible handling and use of fire arms.

    We live in the midst of two cultures, eerily the same as the politically defined ‘red’ and ‘blue’ states.

    In one culture it can be assumed that people have a mind set regarding fire arms that is ‘traditional’ and ‘appropriate.’

    In the other culture, too many people see a fire arm as a weapon of violence to be used against other people or to be feared as a potential weapon of violence to be used against themselves.

    Why don’t we just divide the USA into two different countries, one ‘red’ and one ‘blue,’ issue ID cards to identify who belongs to which nation, and then treat the the two populations differently depending upon their cultural propensities.

    I am just joking, of course.

  10. libraryjim says:

    I think it should be pointed out too that the areas where these shootings are taking place already have very tight gun control restrictions in place. The shooter knows there will be absolutely no chance of someone shooting back.