Bahamas Tribune: Archbishop Drexel Gomez on ”˜Pressure’ For Gay Marriage

THE Bahamas will “inevitably” face “immense pressure” to let gays and lesbians marry in this country, retired Anglican Archbishop Drexel Gomez told The Tribune yesterday as pastors across the country responded from their pulpits to the US Supreme Court’s decision to legalise same-sex marriage nationwide.

“I expected the ruling which came down from the US Supreme Court,” Archbishop Gomez said when contacted yesterday. “It’s happening all across the western world and promulgated by governments. It’s all a part of a new man-made doctrine, an attempt to extend democracy principles to human life.”

“I don’t think there will be immediate implications for The Bahamas, but it’s inevitable now and only a matter of time before pressure will be brought to bear on our government by the United States.

“In terms of aid and relationships, the tendency is historically for the US to have its way and to ensure that you go their way when they give you aid and assistance. It can only be done through laws and if it means changing the laws I still maintain that the traditional teaching on marriage is biblical and represents God’s wish for the ways in which human begins can relate to each other.”

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2 comments on “Bahamas Tribune: Archbishop Drexel Gomez on ”˜Pressure’ For Gay Marriage

  1. Jim the Puritan says:

    It’s sad to realize that the primary foreign policy of the United States is exporting homosexuality to other countries.

  2. dwstroudmd+ says:

    Ditto for TEc.