Dith Pran RIP

Dith Pran, the Cambodian-born journalist whose experiences inspired the movie The Killing Fields, died Sunday at age 65. Pran coined the term “Killing Field” after seeing the remains of victims of Cambodia’s Khmer Rouge regime.

Listen to it all from NPR.


Posted in * Culture-Watch, * International News & Commentary, Asia, Movies & Television

One comment on “Dith Pran RIP

  1. Pageantmaster Ù† says:

    His was a quite amazing story. What happens when the rule of law goes? Society falls apart and the Saddam Husseins and Pol Pots can come to the top through intimidation – then terrible things happen. Lawyers, churchmen and brave journalists are often the only ones who stand in their way and if they cannot prevail may be on hand to document the abuses and provide the evidence for them to be brought to book. With gratitude for journalists like Dith Pran.

    Jefferson was right: ‘The price of freedom is eternal vigilence’.