One Lion's Unusual Story–watch it all


Posted in * General Interest

8 comments on “One Lion's Unusual Story–watch it all

  1. Greg says:

    It doesn’t get any better than this!

  2. APB says:

    It is great, but I am reminded of the scene in Prince Caspian where Lucy goes to greet the bear. It ends very badly for the bear, and this could well have done so for both animal and humans as well.

  3. pwhite says:

    Stunning! Look at the body language of the animal – you don’t have to be a lion expert to see unabashed joy and love. Thanks, Kendall!

  4. GSP98 says:

    Now why’d you hafta go make me cry? As an unabashed animal lover, this really touched me down deep. One of the reasons that I look forward to Christs kingdom being established on earth is that wild animals will be tame and harmless. Im looking forward to that, and I dont think that a week passes by that I dont ponder that coming reality.

  5. Carol R says:

    Man, they had tremendous faith that that lion was charging at them out of affection. I would’ve been scared to death he was about to eat me! And I agree w/APB. They took a huge risk for both themselves and the lion but I’m glad it turned out well. That lion looked so overjoyed to see his humans!

  6. magnolia says:

    beautiful. thanks so much.

  7. Crabby in MD says:

    #5 – Me too. Loved it Kendall!

  8. goldartdog says:


    O the glory of the Lionchild’s heart,
    And the glory of loving Parents.
    O glorious Vision, O wild and loving Heart!
    O the glory of a world at Peace!

    for Christian the Lion and the Bergs who raised him.