Tom Jackson: Windsor Continuation Group Throws Us Under The Bus

Another perspective on today’s developments.


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16 comments on “Tom Jackson: Windsor Continuation Group Throws Us Under The Bus

  1. Rob Eaton+ says:

    Well, then. Again with “throws us under the bus”, an apparent reference to [url=]+Robinson’s Sunday interview[/url]. I commented there on Gene’s implication.
    So, is this a new coordinated “talking point” in order to gain guilt-induced sympathy? Or is this Tom Jackson just mimic(k)ing +Gene. I don’t know Tom, but Tom’s sidebar resume seems to suggest he’s smarter than that, unless this is just about living for the moment.

  2. Bob Maxwell+ says:

    KJS and JB et al will never get near that bus stop. . .or pause.

  3. BCP28 says:

    Personally, I’m wondering if anyone ever gets thown under anything other than a bus!

    I don’t agree with Jackson, but thanks for posting. Randall

  4. libraryjim says:

    Sure … us reasserters get thrown under steamrollers. 🙂

  5. drummie says:

    The GLBT crowd has a very limited view it seems. Reaching out and showing them the saving grace of our Lord that is available to them doesn’t seem to count. They want their cake (sexual sin) and to eat it too (saving Grace). When they are told no, they have a temper tantrum and play victim again. Get over it people. Homosexual acts are an abomination and an insult to God.

  6. midwestnorwegian says:

    How is it being thrown under the bus when TEO has no intentions of following ANYTHING set forth. If they won’t follow God’s Word in the Bible, what makes anyone think they will follow some silly little agreement drawn up here on earth? They sure haven’t up to now, why would they begin????

  7. John Wilkins says:

    #5 – so “Homosexual acts are an abomination and an insult to God.” is how you reach out and show them the saving grace of our lord? How is that working for you?

    And where does scripture say you can’t have your cake and eat it also?

  8. palagious says:

    #7. I guess you would start by saying that God loves us all and that it is not in God’s plan that anyone be involved in a sinful lifestyle. If you believe that homosexuality is not a sin then there is not much more than I can say that would matter to you.

  9. Ralph says:

    Dear #7, I assume you are trying to be funny. The absolute Scriptural prohibition against homosexual practice is quite clear in both the Hebrew and Christian Scriptures, as well as in Holy Tradition. The best explanation of this comes from Rob Gagnon.

    Liberals try to cast doubt on Holy Scripture by implying that the absolute prohibitions are no longer applicable, or suggesting that old words have new meanings that have been unknown throughout history, or by elaborate trails of logic that quickly succumb to Occam’s Razor. Some apparently intelligent people have fallen for these deceptions. Indeed, the devil’s power is that of deception.

    Grace doesn’t come cheaply. A self-avowed, practicing, and unrepentant sinner needs to have a very special Monopoly card in his or her pocket, and had better pray that it will work.

    Those who play with fire risk getting burned. I feel sorry for practicing homosexuals, just as I feel sorry for “Dives” of Luke 16:19-31. However, if someone KNOWS what Holy Scripture and Holy Tradition (including Lambeth 1:10) say, and then chooses to do otherwise, then that is that. Speaking Words of Wisdom, “Let it be.” Shake the dust off your feet and move on.

    However, if that person chooses to go about spreading lies, saying that the sin is NOT a sin and that others should ignore Holy Scripture and Holy Tradition, then that person is acting like an agent of the devil. Such a person has no business being in Holy Orders, or in a church lay leadership position.

    The analogy of being thrown under the bus is not appropriate. I would not advocate violence against the person of someone who is a self-avowed, practicing and unrepentant homosexual. I simply think that the activists are collective voices that nobody should be listening to, until they (one-by-one) become voices of repentance.

    I wonder if the Episcopal Diocese of California also has an ex-gay ministry to facilitate appropriate listening and counseling. Somehow I doubt it.

  10. COLUMCIL says:


  11. Chris Hathaway says:

    <#5 - so “Homosexual acts are an abomination and an insult to God.” is how you reach out and show them the saving grace of our lord? How is that working for you?

    Why don’t you ask Jesus, since He started out His ministry saying, “Repent, for the kingdom of God is near.” The two parts of that sentence are inextricably related. Those who will not repenmt are incapable of understanding the saving grace of our Lord, since they don’t want to be saved.

    How is spitting in Jesus’ face working out for you? Well, I guess you don’t really know, do you. being blind as you are. But you will one day find out. I suggest you do it before the Judgment Day.

  12. Cennydd says:


  13. Peter dH says:

    [quote]“Homosexual acts are an abomination and an insult to God.” is how you reach out and show them the saving grace of our lord? How is that working for you?[/quote]Same way it works for the rest of us sinners! Accept Jesus’ lordship, repent, struggle, stumble, be forgiven, pray for strength by the Spirit to walk the long, hard, narrow road of sanctification and living faith.

    All our sins are insults to God. “Behold the Man upon the cross / My sin upon His shoulders / Ashamed I hear my mocking voice / Call out among the scoffers / It was my sin that held Him there / Until it was accomplished / His dying breath had brought me life / I know that it is finished.” How isn’t that good news? If we’re going to stop calling a spade a spade in order to to reach out to the LGBT crowd or anyone else, how can we ever hope to explain the cross?

  14. David Keller says:

    I’m glad the liberals, and Tom Jackson, are finally finding out what it feels like to be thrown under the bus. It happened to me in 2003. The only problem is, it’s starting to get really crowded under here.

  15. John Wilkins says:

    so Peter, you’ve successfully taken the log out of your own eye then, it seems.

    #11, Chris, you may feel that I’m spitting in your face. Don’t mistake that for Jesus. Jesus is raised and with God, our Father.

    What’s it like having that log in your eye?

    Perhaps you might hear the phrase, “I desire mercy and not sacrifice.”

    Let go of your anger, Chris. I’m not angry at you. God’s not angry at you. Nor at me. That’s love – the love of Christ which I know quite well. I feel it, which is why I stopped judging homosexuals.

  16. Chris Hathaway says:

    Some fools think it’s all about them. They also can’t tell the difference between anger and contempt.