Cherie Wetzel–Lambeth Report #16: The Proposed Anglican Covenant

What is the timetable for this document? This is a very important question. Bishops will make comments here through their own notes and the Indaba groups. They will suggest ways that the document needs to be expanded or wording reworked. But, they are not free to change the document.

Also included in the notes for this meeting is a response paper sent to each of the bishops who are not here. The paper gives each bishop the chance to read the document and comment on it. This was stated as crucial because it must reflect the voice of the whole Communion. All of these notes will go to the Covenant writing group, meeting again in Singapore in September, 08.

It is anticipated that a tweaked draft will be produced in Singapore. This draft will be sent to every province; each province will state 1) what they will require to sign onto the covenant and 2) make suggestions for the document and 3) give an answer to the question: is your province willing to give in principle, agreement to this draft of the Covenant? These answers are required by the end of March 2009.

In May 2009, the Covenant will go to the next scheduled meeting of the Anglican Consultative Council, which has representatives from each of the 44 churches and 38 provinces in attendance. They meet every three years and will debate the Covenant, giving it a thumbs-up or thumbs down vote. If enough (read overwhelmingly good number of) provinces agree that the covenant should be moved forward, it will be. Likewise, it can be killed at this meeting. It is unknown what will happen should it go down.

If it is moved forward, it will require special handling to reach the floor of the General Convention in Anaheim, July 8-17, 2009.

Read it all.


Posted in * Anglican - Episcopal, Anglican Covenant, Lambeth 2008

One comment on “Cherie Wetzel–Lambeth Report #16: The Proposed Anglican Covenant

  1. Jill C. says:

    Who is Cheria? (Cheryl, Cherie, Mrs. Wetzel — yes, but not Cheria. 😉