Notable and Quotable

All great deeds and all great thoughts have a ridiculous beginning.

–Albert Camus


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6 comments on “Notable and Quotable

  1. DeeBee says:

    Interesting quote from an existentialist – although, [url=]according to Wikipedia[/url], Camus apparently preferred to think of himself as an individualist, just like all the others . . .

    Also, for some reason, this quote brings to mind a line from Obi Wan Kenobi (a Jedi, obviously) in the third [i]Star Wars[/i] movie:

    “Only a Sith deals in absolutes.”

    Having now established my (relatively) ridiculous beginning, may I now proceed to the great deeds and great thoughts? 🙂

  2. Larry Morse says:

    How could Camus have said anything so silly? This is nonsense.
    Tell this to our first constitutional convention or the guys at Concord and Lexington. Or to Mozart, for that matter. What COULD Camus be talking about? Larry

  3. Irenaeus says:

    A puzzling statement. Does anyone know the context?

    PS: Some great thinkers have received inspiration while engaged in a humble process of elimination.

  4. jim bryant says:

    The quote comes from early on in Camus’ essay The Myth of Sisyphus. A good example of what he means would be to think of how ridiculous is the image of god hanging on a cross dying of torture (though this is not the example Camus turns to here). It shatters our habitual worldview and we are confronted with an absurd scandal to our thoughts and ways. Upon that ridiculous wood hangs the greatest of deeds and divinest of thoughts.

  5. azusa says:

    “Only a Sith deals in absolutes.”
    But is this always true? Or is it just a Myth of Sithypus?
    Personally, I thought the later Star War films were full of Sith.

  6. Philip Snyder says:

    “Only the Sith deal in absolutes!” – Obi wan Kenobi
    “Are you sure?” – Anakin
    “Absolutely!” – Obi Darth Kenobi (realizing that he has just delt in absolutes and is now, by his own definition, a sith)

    Phil Snyder