Pro-life group concerned at TV depiction of assisted suicide

A British pro-life group has expressed concern after it was revealed that a TV documentary is to show a man dying in front of the cameras.

The TV show, on the Sky 1 satellite channel follows the assisted suicide of a man at the Dignitas suicide centre in Switzerland.

Anthony Ozimic, political secretary of the Society for the Protection of Unborn Children (SPUC), commented: “We are concerned that focusing upon one particular case will have a disproportionate effect upon the debate on assisted suicide, skewing viewer’s perceptions.

“Many people, including patients themselves, often don’t know that palliative care is highly successful in alleviating the symptoms of motor neurone disease….”

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Posted in * Culture-Watch, * International News & Commentary, England / UK, Europe, Health & Medicine, Life Ethics

2 comments on “Pro-life group concerned at TV depiction of assisted suicide

  1. Sick & Tired of Nuance says:

    A TV documentary showing a man committing suicide in front of cameras is sick and wrong. The necrotic voyarism is a symptom of something deeply wicked and evil in society…in the heart of Man.

  2. Larry Morse says:

    There is something both loathsome and corrupt about using the vision of a dying man as a form of entertainment. Larry