Buffalo News: With regrets, several hundred local worshippers leave Episcopal Church

Don and Gladys Miller worshipped weekly for 53 years in the sanctuary at 1064 Brighton Road.

But Sunday, the Millers walked away from the Town of Tonawanda church building they’ve known as their spiritual home since 1955.

“We’ve been here a long time, and it’s hard to leave,” said Don Miller, dabbing at tears. “We decided a long time ago that we would move with the church.”

Read it all.

Posted in * Anglican - Episcopal, Episcopal Church (TEC), TEC Conflicts

6 comments on “Buffalo News: With regrets, several hundred local worshippers leave Episcopal Church

  1. chips says:

    I think that someone ougth to send +KJS Dr. Seus’ the Grinch Who Stole Christmas. Nicely written article.

  2. A Floridian says:

    From a couple of SFIF comments:

    “Base number: attendees left the church at the rate of 721 people per week, or 103 per day. That’s not a decline, that’s a hemmorhage.”

    “Based on the 2000 – 2007 ASA numbers, we are losing an average of 16,000 people a year. That is two average dioceses per year for 8 years. THAT DOES NOT COUNT the four dioceses that have left since Dec 2007.” (emphasis mine)

  3. Cennydd says:

    And it’s only the beginning!

  4. Undergroundpewster says:

    [blockquote]At the end of the 11 a. m. liturgy, Ward extinguished a church candle before proceeding out of the sanctuary with a lighted candle that was later placed in the new sanctuary as a symbol of the congregation’s transfer from one location to another. [/blockquote]
    Note to Bishop….Get that candle back it belongs to us! 815

  5. Irenaeus says:

    [i] Based on the 2000-2007 ASA numbers, we are losing an average of 16,000 people a year [/i]

    And the downward slope if sharper if you (1) begin in 2003, (2) correct ECUSA make-believe at the parish as well as the diocesan level (e.g., counting St. James Newport Beach as part of ECUSA’s ASA, and (3) take account of 2008. Right?

  6. Spiro says:

    Better stated:
    …….shaking off the dust from under their feet as a symbol and a testimony against the apostates at 815 and their minions and henchmen/women,……. they proceeded out of the sanctuary with a lighted candle that was later placed in the new sanctuary as a symbol of the congregation’s transfer from one location to another.

    Fr. Kingsley Jon-Ubabuco