Blog Open Thread (II): Your Hopes for the Upcoming Year of 2009

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10 comments on “Blog Open Thread (II): Your Hopes for the Upcoming Year of 2009

  1. Eugene says:

    “Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven”

  2. Frances Scott says:

    I hope to get through 2009 with my sense of humor intact, but if I just get through it with my sense intact it may be enough.

  3. Karen B. says:

    I hope and pray my brother succeeds in his new job and that the Lord would draw him to Himself and guide him about the future. My brother would very much like to move out of FL and get a fresh start up in North Carolina, but given the real estate market here, there’s not much hope of selling his townhouse any time soon (it’s been on the market a year even with big price reductions.)

    I hope and pray that Barack Obama will be a wise president who will seek the Lord’s counsel in facing all the challenges ahead.

    I hope and pray the Lord will provide funding for my team’s work in Africa. We are facing a $100,000 shortfall for our development project work for 2009 and may have to cut way back on our activities and projects.

    And for myself, I pray for a year of faithfulness by the grace of the Holy Spirit, drawing closer to the Lord and being transformed more into His image. Somehow 2008 seems to have been a spiritual stall for me. Not awful, but pretty dull. I want to hunger to know the Lord more and change whatever I need to in my life so that I’ll make seeking Him and His righteousness truly my highest priority.

  4. Timothy says:

    At the start of 2010, I’d like :
    – to be alive.
    – to have my faith intact.
    – to have my family healthy and intact
    – to have become more Christlike
    Everything else is gravy. So far, so good.

  5. ElaineF. says:

    God willing, my son will continue in recovery from drug addiction,
    and my daughter will extricate herself from a toxic relationship.

  6. State of Limbo says:

    In random order:

    I hope and pray that the economy turns around and I am called back to my job, and a better job opens up for my husband and me.

    I Pray for financial stability for my entire family.

    I hope that the way will open up for those of us in the area in which I live, who wish to leave TEC, would have an Anglican fellowship open up for us.

    I pray that God’s will in my life may become clearer and that I have the faith and strength to follow His path.

  7. Larry Morse says:

    I hope I can learn how to use a keyboard without misspelling every word.

    I hope I can help get my vestry out of the financial mess it has gotten itself into – partly with own stupid help.

    I hope I am alive to se a new year in again.

    I hope I can devise a plan that will pass my farm on to my oldest son and that the transmission to my youngest son will be incorporated. It would be hard for me to tell you how sacred – this word is literally true to me – this farm is and how desperately I wish to to be kept out of the hands of developers. It should stay a farm forever and ever. Yes, it must make money, but Charlotte and Wilbur have to live somewhere; and somewhere the water must stay clean and bright and the soil rich with multiplications. To work with Mother Nature is to be constantly at war; it’s a rough marriage, let me tell you, but the children of this marriage are the all in all. Larry

  8. Bill C says:

    Surviving the rest of my daughter’s Senior year in high school!

    Our daughter will be going on a Rotary ‘Immersion’ Scholarship to Peru (where I grew up). Our prayers are for her safety, that it prove to be a wonderful growing time and further development of her faith in Jesus, and that my wife and I adjust to the year-long separation of our only child.

    ‘Hope’ for me that I swallow my pride and accept the use of a walker to control my frequent falls.

    Hope for those of our friends who have nothing to fall back on during this economic crisis.

  9. Larry Morse says:

    I probably shouldn’t admit this, but I really hope that the upcoming year is the year TEC gets what it has coming to it. I know, I know, that we should hope that we don’t get what we wish for, because we are so often Money Paw-ed, if I may put it that way. And it may be I am being mean spirited, but TEC has done so much damage, has hurt so many, that I truly hope for its downfall. I am hoping that ACNA so prospers and grows that it absorbs TEC, as TEC goes broke and its parishioners come to their senses. Larry

  10. Mike Bertaut says:

    #9 Don’t feel bad, Larry, it would actually be the most gracious of blessings for them if they did “get what’s coming to them”. Such conversions are never pleasant to watch, but necessary.

    For 2009, I just pray for the avoidance of the absolutely crazy things that happened to us (whole family) in 2008, like hurricanes that cut the power and mail delivery for weeks, making it hard to do simple things like pay bills, making it easy to be late paying and damaging our credit. Like not fighting off gout for a month. Like not having any relatives living with us who just up and die on us (with about a week’s notice). You know, simple stuff like that!

    So, I’m praying for the basics, that’s about it.
