Rick Warren: The Purpose-Driven Pastor

[Rick] Warren, who had largely avoided politics, became a key figure in the 2008 presidential campaign when he invited Sens. Obama and John McCain to a televised forum on faith and world view.

Obama’s campaign thought Warren would stress international and social justice issues. It didn’t turn out that way.

Warren’s question ”” “At what point does a baby have human rights?” ”” prompted Obama’s nadir moment, in which he said those decisions are “above my pay grade.” As Obama stumbled through one the worst performances of his campaign, Warren peppered him with other litmus test questions: Have you ever voted to limit abortion? Would you support a constitutional marriage amendment? Do you favor stem cell research?

“I hear from good sources it sort of surprised the Obama campaign,” says Michael Cromartie, who directs evangelical studies at the Ethics and Public Policy Center. “They did not seem to recognize that Rick Warren was a man who had broadened the evangelical agenda, but he hadn’t let go of the former agenda that many evangelicals care about.”

Read or listen to it all.


Posted in * Religion News & Commentary, Evangelicals, Other Churches

4 comments on “Rick Warren: The Purpose-Driven Pastor

  1. sophy0075 says:

    Well, Obama’s at that pay grade now!

  2. libraryjim says:

    It was also the only interview that dared ask the tough questions for which we wanted to hear the answers. And which many were sure spelled the doom of the Obama Campaign due to his lackadaisical answers and poor performance. Of course, then came the debates hosted by the “Obama Fawners” that made him look good, where he had scripted answers.

    Oh, well, too late for recriminations now.

  3. MJD_NV says:

    Please keep Pastor Warren in prayer. The hatefulness being directed at this man from the so-called “inclusive left” is appalling. Christians world-wide need to be asking God to please be with him in this time of trial.

  4. montanan says:

    #3 – did you note on the piece about +Robinson’s prayer in DC (linked on this blog) that the group of protesters against homosexuals “differered only in tone” from Pastor Warren? It was a sniper comment in a piece which had nothing to do with Pastor Warren.