A Letter from Archbishop Mouneer Anis

I participated in the Committee of the 100 leaders (C-100) of the World Economic Forum in Amman, Jordan. Lord Carey, the former Archbishop of Canterbury, chaired this committee. The Grand Mufti of Egypt participated for the first time. It was an excellent interfaith event.

I also participated in the Global South Primate’s Steering Committee Meeting from the 16th to the 18th of July in London, England. We produced a very important communiqué, that you can find it here.

I also enjoyed participating in the Wycliffe Hall conference in Oxford that focused on the Covenant and the mission of the Anglican Communion. This was an eye-opening opportunity and it was very helpful.

Read it all.


Posted in * Anglican - Episcopal, * International News & Commentary, Middle East

3 comments on “A Letter from Archbishop Mouneer Anis

  1. Katherine says:

    He says he will attend the US HOB meeting, unlike +Uganda.

  2. Timothy Fountain says:

    Praise God for some of the ministry breakthroughs they are having in his part of the world. Some really exciting stuff in the report.

  3. CandB says:

    I personally know Bp. Mouneer, and you can trust he will stand for the orthodox faith delivered by the sants through the generations. He comes across as kind and quiet, but do not underestimate him. He is solid as the Rock of Gibralter and will not be diverted from the true faith.