A-Rod admits, regrets use of PEDs

His voice shaking at times, Alex Rodriguez met head-on allegations that he tested positive for steroids six years ago, telling ESPN on Monday that he did take performance-enhancing drugs while playing for the Texas Rangers during a three-year period beginning in 2001.

“When I arrived in Texas in 2001, I felt an enormous amount of pressure. I needed to perform, and perform at a high level every day,” Rodriguez told ESPN’s Peter Gammons in an interview in Miami Beach, Fla. “Back then, [baseball] was a different culture. It was very loose. I was young, I was stupid, I was naïve. I wanted to prove to everyone I was worth being one of the greatest players of all time.

“I did take a banned substance. For that, I’m very sorry and deeply regretful.”

Read it all.

Posted in * Culture-Watch, Sports

12 comments on “A-Rod admits, regrets use of PEDs

  1. William P. Sulik says:

    He should have adopted the TEC defense – Jesus never said anything about steroids, baptismal covenant, shellfish, etc.

  2. phil swain says:

    Even with this admission we see how powerful is the desire for self-justification. Mea Culpa!

  3. Br. Michael says:

    Why is it everyone is sorry once they get caught?

  4. Phil says:

    I heard Dick Vitale on ESPN Radio this morning talking about A-Rod. Vitale was pretty close to A-Rod in his Seattle days, but, nowadays, they rarely speak. He went on to relate how A-Rod, once a great kid, had completely turned into somebody else, corrupted, apparently, by the money and the fame.

    Baseball is not so different of a culture today than it was then, especially for A-Rod. It’s no longer about the love or integrity of the game; it’s about money, and nothing else.

    I know MLB has done great on paper over those years, but I think there are many people like me, who once enjoyed it but now won’t give it the time of day. Now that the recession will likely drain ballparks of those luxury-box bill-payers that can’t be bothered to interrupt their glass of Merlot for the game, let’s see if MLB misses the rest of us – you know, fans. What a concept.

  5. Intercessor says:

    As Mike Krukow (SF Giants) would say;”Grab some pine…Meat.”
    I am never buying major league ticket again.

  6. physician without health says:

    Folks, this is so very sad. As I think of this, however, I try to focus on the fact that in spite of the fact that I am such a wretched sinner day in and day out, still God is faithful to me, continues to bless me with a faith in the blood of His Son, draws me to the study of His Word, and every week gives of Himself to me in the elements of the Eucharist. My response to this is thus to pray for this man, and to be willing to forgive.

  7. Juandeveras says:

    I understand he and Madonna are now an item.

  8. Byzantine says:

    [i]As I think of this, however, I try to focus on the fact that in spite of the fact that I am such a wretched sinner day in and day out, still God is faithful to me, continues to bless me with a faith in the blood of His Son, draws me to the study of His Word, and every week gives of Himself to me in the elements of the Eucharist. My response to this is thus to pray for this man, and to be willing to forgive.[/i]

    Dude, it’s a man being paid millions to play a game for boys who supplemented his natural hormone production so he could play that game even better for the amusement of millions of Americans who can’t tie their own shoes without getting short of breath. It’s not like he stole your paycheck or something.

    It would be nice if this high dudgeon were reserved for all the Americans who refuse to exercise any self-discipline and who socialize the costs of their diabetes, HBP, COPD on everybody, as opposed to the wealth-generating activities of Mr. Rodriguez.

  9. Juandeveras says:

    Byzantine: “Dude” yourself. The point is apparently a bit too difficult for you to grasp; the ethical lapse – A-Rod is a moral eunich (cretin)and this seems to be the purpose of the offerred prayer.

  10. Byzantine says:

    Oh for heaven’s sake. War on the Iraqi people, Wall Street oligarchy, vast no-go zones for law abiding folk in every major American city, confiscatory government, soul-destroying pornography, and on and on, but I’m supposed to weep and pray because a professional athlete took steroids?

  11. Katherine says:

    This isn’t an earthshaking issue for anyone but A-Rod, except for the young people who may have been misled by his example. And yet, Byzantine, is not A-Rod a human being and should he not be prayed for by those who feel called to? We all have our special areas of interest. Major league baseball stopped being one of mine some years ago. Nonetheless, this guy is a human in need of God’s grace like the rest of us. Especially if the gossip about Madonna is true. 🙂

  12. Juandeveras says:

    ” …war on the Iraqi people… ”
    Byzantine: You do seem to be lacking in a certain basic humility of spirit and your hope for the future does not seem to be grounded in anything particularly uplifting. We’ll pray for you, too, Dude.