AP: How the economic stimulus plan could affect you

An examination of how the economic stimulus plan will affect Americans–read it all.


Posted in * Economics, Politics, Economy, The Fiscal Stimulus Package of 2009

2 comments on “AP: How the economic stimulus plan could affect you

  1. julia says:

    Seems the only way it will have any impact on me is the debt it will create for my grandchildren. I bought my first home some 40+ years ago — I’m not buying a car and even if I did writing off sales tax is nothing new — we already can do that. I’m retiring early — not being laid off — so insurance help is not there for me. I’m not rich so alternative tax doesn’t apply. I am too old to become a cop. My baby graduated from college over 20 years ago ……. and on and on it goes. Since my grandkids are going to have to pay for it — at least middle class g’ma and g’pa ought to get something out of it!

  2. Billy says:

    How is this going to stimulate the economy? I just don’t see much there. Obama said during his campaign that his idea was to stimulate the economy from the ground up. This stimulus package certainly does seem to be an attempt to do that. But will this ground up approach really create more jobs and more income to buy things to grow businesses to create more jobs for more income …? I don’t think this has ever worked before; but since we are in a more enlightened age (all sarcasm intended), perhaps it will work this time.