A Washington Post Editorial: The President's Priorities

Facing an economic crisis, a banking crisis, a housing crisis and an auto industry crisis, President Obama used the opportunity of his address to a joint session of Congress Tuesday night to load his plate with even more. Mr. Obama said he would press ahead with plans to overhaul the nation’s health-care system, bolster education and lead the transition to new forms of energy — all while curing cancer and getting the deficit under control.

We understand the president’s instinct not to let short-term demands obscure the need to meet the country’s long-term challenges. His priorities for fundamental reform, the causes that animated his campaign, are admirable ones. Yet we cannot help wondering: Isn’t the most critical task to ensure a swift and effective response to the stomach-churning downturn? Does a new, understaffed administration have the capacity to try so much so fast? And does the political system have the bandwidth to accommodate all that Mr. Obama is asking from it?

Read it all.


Posted in * Economics, Politics, Office of the President, Politics in General, President Barack Obama

3 comments on “A Washington Post Editorial: The President's Priorities

  1. Harvey says:

    I am not looking forward to a future time when my children, grandchildren, and two great-grandaughters may wind up being saddled with a multi-trillion dollar tax bill.

  2. vu82 says:

    Easy answers:




  3. libraryjim says:

    The President’s priorities? Recreate socialism in America, piece by piece and replace the ‘flawed Constitution’ with legislation that allows this without riots.