(NYT) What these 13 Jewish Americans are proud and afraid of

When we first thought about convening a focus group of Jewish Americans, antisemitism was very much at the center of the national conversation. Kanye West’s incendiary comments about Jews had caused a media firestorm, and Donald Trump’s dinner with Ye and a prominent antisemite, Nick Fuentes, did not exactly tamp it down. We wanted to understand how antisemitism was affecting American Jews whose daily lives did not necessarily intersect with these high-profile incidents. How did they experience antisemitism in their lives, if at all? And what did it mean to them to be Jewish in America today?

We spoke with 13 Jewish Americans of different ages and political affiliations from across the country to learn how they connect to being Jewish, what they are scared of, what they are optimistic about and what they hope generations of American Jews will carry forward.

Many of the people we spoke to expressed fear about rising antisemitism, going so far as to hide their Jewish identities in certain circumstances. Several blamed Mr. Trump for the increase, though most pointed to the climate he created rather than animosity toward Jews on his part. The 2018 shooting at the Tree of Life synagogue in Pittsburgh loomed large, with some participants saying it caused them to behave differently in synagogue ever since, checking the doors for intruders. Others, though, felt that America was more accepting of Jews than ever and that their ancestors would be amazed. “I think they would be completely shocked by how successful we are,” said Joel, a 59-year-old in the group.

We held this focus group last month, before the most recent uptick of violence in Israel and the occupied territories and before the protests against Benjamin Netanyahu’s government swelled to include hundreds of thousands of Israelis across the country. When we asked the group about Israel, few had specific thoughts on Israeli politics or policy. Almost all of the participants, however, expressed great pride in the country. Many expressed a similar feeling of pride in and connection to being Jewish, even if they didn’t practice the religious traditions, using words like “light,” “love” and “belonging” to explain what being Jewish means to them.

Read it all.

Posted in * Culture-Watch, America/U.S.A., Judaism, Religion & Culture