(Washington Post Op-ed) Theodore R. Johnson–Juneteenth is a holiday for all Americans. It’s our second independence day.

Juneteenth must be a national and inclusive holiday with a narrative to match. It symbolizes how the emancipation of Black people initiated a new beginning for a nation that had fallen short of its founding ideals. It recalls the important truth that emancipation was not a gift; it was hard won by perhaps the greatest multiracial coalition the nation has ever assembled — with Black Americans actively engaged in the taking. The promise of America is clearest in the resulting Reconstruction amendments.

Juneteenth represents the ushering in of this new nation, and a glimpse of its potential. For Independence Day to have any meaning that connects to the founding ideals, Juneteenth must exist. Without a shared celebration of June 19, there is no reason for fireworks on July 4. It’s for this reason that the initiating legislation was titled the Juneteenth National Independence Day Act. At its core, the holiday observes the nation’s rebirth, its second founding.

The colors on the Juneteenth flag are red, white and blue; they must be. It is an American holiday, not a Pan-African one. When Lincoln and various organizations proposed exporting enslaved Black Americans to freedom on distant shores, Black folks almost universally refused. Their goal was not just freedom — but freedom here, in the country they helped shape and build. Imagine the national pride required to fight so hard and for so long to improve a place and become fully part of it.

Read it all.


Posted in America/U.S.A., History, Race/Race Relations