Mary Ailes: Rowan Williams Defends the Anglican Covenant

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Posted in * Anglican - Episcopal, Anglican Consultative Council, Anglican Covenant, Archbishop of Canterbury

6 comments on “Mary Ailes: Rowan Williams Defends the Anglican Covenant

  1. New Reformation Advocate says:

    I appreciate BabyBlue posting this brief summary of the ABoC’s speech or omments about the Covenant, but my first impression after reading her summary is that ++Rowan William’s “defense” of the need for a Covenant is very tepid. It’s hardly a clear trumpet call to battle or a strong appeal for action. Drexel Gomez was much more effective at being an advocate for the Covenant when he introduced the proposed Covenant to the ACC reps.

    This kind of talk isn’t going to inspire anyone; it’s more descriptive than prescriptive, couched more in the indicative than the hortatory mode. Once again, Canterbury just abdicates his responsibility to lead. With this kind of lukewarm, half-hearted defense, who needs opponents to scuttle the Covenant?

    It’s not that I’m enthusiastic about the proposed Covenant. I’m not, as I’ve said repeatedly on T19. But if Mary has accurately summed up what the ABoC said in Kingston, it’s yet another sign that ++Rowan Williams is simply the wrong man for the job. This is the way a church historian might comment on the confused state of the AC, which can’t seem to make up its mind if it wants to become a true Communion (worthy of the name) or to degenerate into a mere Fellowship or loose association of completely autonomous national or provincial churches. It’s not the way a real leader talks, who wants to persuade people to follow him.

    Leaders lead. That is the way they serve. To fail to get out in front and lead the way is to abdicate the special kind of servanthood to which leaders are called.

    So I’m disappointed, but hardly surprised. This is just ++Williams’ standard mode of operation. But it’s also yet more evidence that ++Williams is a collossal failure as ABoC.

    However, the vaccuum his refusal to lead has left at the center of the AC won’t go unfilled. Already the FCA/GAFCON primates are exerting the leadership that he has consistently avoided showing. In the short run, a REAL leader like ++Henry Orombi may be temporarily thwarted in specific moves (like trying to send Fr. Phil Ashey as Uganda’s clergy rep to Jamaica), but in the long run, he will prevail. Because he’s willing to lead. And because his cause is right, and he has God and the demographics of worldwide Anglicanism on his side.

    David Handy+

  2. Jill Woodliff says:

    There is too little trust and too much acrimony for a renewed listening process in the US, at this time. If those parishes and dioceses who wished to differentiate themselves from TEC were allowed provisional extra-provincial status within the Anglican Communion, in a holding tank of sorts, then several years down the road, after Schori retires, the provisionally recognized extra-provincial group and Remain Episcopal group could then have a conversation with a new set of players. This holding tank should not only include ACNA but those parishes and dioceses who have so far refrained from departing but are anxious to differentiate themselves from TEC.
    I fear that unless a holding tank is created, the orthodox that remain will be scattered–either voluntarily or involuntarily via the proposed changes in the disciplinary canons.

  3. A Floridian says:

    The kind of holding tank you and the others are suggesting, Jill, does not address the problem at all.
    What is needed is a pen to hold the infected provinces until they repent, but not a pen for orthodox parishes and dioceses. The sick sheep are the ones that need to be removed from the herd. Also, very clear and strict criteria should be met before TEC, et al could be restored to the healthy flock.
    This is a fantasy and would only happen in a Communion that was run by sane and honorable people, so it won’t happen.

    When KJS was placed in AC leadership after her election, it was a signal that Rowan Williams had declared TEC in good standing, from that point, there was no hope that discipline would be administered.

    The orthodox have been so naive.

  4. dwstroudmd+ says:

    The ABC has his 5 year plan in effect, and as he told the Windsor Continuation Group, “I have nought here for your comfort.” The farce is becoming evidently farcical. Tepidity allows the appearance of restraint of the Global North and the Global South. He doubts the AC will look like it did 20 years ago … that’s for the Global North, ya’ll. The boys/girls will chuck the Global South and be glad to do so. All that believing stuff is so irksome.

  5. Athanasius Returns says:

    “The orthodox have been so naive.”

    Most of the orthodox are in one or another phase of leaving or have buried their heads or are sticking their fingers in their ears and murmuring nanananana. They ought to take the lead from the fictional Howard Beale, who said “Things have got to change. But first, you’ve gotta get mad!… You’ve got to say, ‘I’m as mad as hell, and I’m not going to take this anymore!'” And they need to say this to all TEC leadership starting NOW.

  6. Jill Woodliff says:

    GA/FL, I think you’re right. The Communion has no will for differentiation of the orthodox, no matter how persistent and vocal the orthodox are.