ACC-14 Press Briefing 5th May 2009

One of the most important issues to come before the Anglican Consultative Council is the draft text of the Anglican Covenant. The idea for an Anglican Covenant has been before the Communion for the past few years and it was in 2006 the Archbishop of Canterbury established the Covenant Design Group. The process has been one of evolving texts as ideas suggestions hopes and fears from Primates, Provinces and the Lambeth Conference were shared with the Design group. Just before the Anglican Consultative Council began The Covenant Design Group produced The Third (Ridley Cambridge) Draft .

The Chair of the Covenant Design Group Archbishop Drexel Gomez presented a history of the process and the current text at ACC-14 on Monday May 4th. His address may be found here

On Tuesday May 5 Archbishop Gomez and Bishop Gregory Cameron held a press briefing reviewing the document and Bishop Gregory explained the process that ACC will follow in considering the text and discussed the kind of resolution that would be needed to forward the Covenant to the provinces for their consideration.

Watch it all.

Posted in * Anglican - Episcopal, Anglican Consultative Council, Anglican Covenant

2 comments on “ACC-14 Press Briefing 5th May 2009

  1. Jill Woodliff says:

    Prayers for the Anglican Consultative Council may be found at Lent & Beyond.

  2. Larry Morse says:

    Well, Maine has done listening. The Gov. just signed the ssm bill. This is not the end of the war, but the beginning. When will the general public get tired of the damage the left wing has done and is doing? Listening indeed. People who say they are “listening” are telling you tht their minds are made up but are waiting for the right time to impose their liberal beliefs on the system.
    Here in Maine, there will be a petition begun immediately to put the ssm matter on the ballots. If the polls tell the truth, then the smm bill will die. BUt that won’t stop the war – one we are losing on every front -and this all started with “listening.” If the conservatives cannot begin to think new ideas, find new solutions, then the Anglican church is going to get swamped by the left.