A Painted Bunting on the Bird Feeder!

What a pretty bird.

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10 comments on “A Painted Bunting on the Bird Feeder!

  1. Newbie Anglican says:

    Eh, they are as common as sparrows at my place. 😉

  2. mtnlaurel says:

    The naturalist at a nature center I used to volunteer at referred to painted buntings as one of the ” dessert birds ” ’cause they were so gorgeous, special and such a treat to see. Thanks for the photo !

  3. Undergroundpewster says:

    Rare as hen’s teeth up here.

  4. Pageantmaster Ù† says:

    Somebody’s had fun with the paint pot.

  5. Crypto Papist says:

    Beautiful pictures! A really great site for bird information is [url=http://www.allaboutbirds.org]here[/url].

  6. Alli B says:

    Cool! I’m jealous. Here in North Georgia my sister has seen indigo buntings. We have goldfinches in Atlanta, and they’re gorgeous too. I love bird watching. Just another treat God has given us!

  7. elanor says:

    I’m jealous; I guess I’ll just have to try to spot one of my neighborhood bluebirds for some level of consolation

  8. D Hamilton says:

    I know the joy …. after 45+ years here in Florida, I saw my first Rosette Spoonbill and then my second and third last week. They were just as pink as the pictures in guides. All of them were is a retention pond, where I’d never have guessed I’d see them.

  9. veritas2007 says:

    VERY cool. God is good to us.

  10. Frances Scott says:

    Thirty-odd years ago I was in the forest bird blind during one our brief but violent storms: there was thunder, rain, hail, and lightning struck one of the trees nearby. When the storm was past I went out to see what damage the tree had suffered and to make sure there was no fire in its roots. On the way to the tree, I found a painted bunting in the pathway and stooped to pick it up; a hailstone had hit in such a way that its neck was broken. I held the still, small form in my hand and examined it closely, marvelling at its beauty and at how much smaller it was in death than it had appeared in life. The memory is still fresh, renewed every time I see one of these beauties. I am more aware than ever before how marvelously involved God is with all His creatures…including me.
    Frances Scott