Daily Archives: May 23, 2024

A Reminder To Pray For The College Of Bishops from Archbp Foley Beach

Dear Sisters and Brothers in Christ Jesus,

In this season of the Holy Spirit,  I am writing to remind you to pray for the College of Bishops as we prepare to select the new Archbishop and Primate of the Anglican Church in North America. In exactly one month from today, on June 20, our bishops will gather in Conclave and in prayer in LaTrobe, PA, to seek the Lord for our leader for the coming five years.

Please join me on Wednesdays or Fridays setting aside specific times of prayer (and fasting) asking for God’s discernment, wisdom, and guidance.  Also, please include this request in your Sunday prayers.

Almighty God, giver of every good gift: Look graciously on your Church, and so guide the minds of the bishops of our Church who shall choose a new Archbishop for this Province, that we may receive a faithful pastor who will preach the Gospel, care for your people, equip us for ministry, and lead us forth in fulfillment of the Great Commission; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. (adapted from BCP 2019, for Selection of Bishop or Other Minister)

Faithfully yours in Christ Jesus,

The Most Rev’d Dr. Foley Beach
Archbishop and Primate, Anglican Church in North America

Posted in Anglican Church in North America (ACNA)

(Bloomberg) Fears of Violence, Disruption Ahead of Presidential Election

The November presidential election has filled many Americans with dread, and the prospect of violence, foreign interference and misinformation surrounding the contest is a big reason why.

The latest Bloomberg News/Morning Consult poll found that half of battleground-state voters are worried about violent clashes once the results are in. The shares of Republicans and Democrats who harbor worries about violence are roughly equal, and independents are even more concerned about the election devolving into harmful chaos.

Read it all.
Posted in America/U.S.A., Office of the President, Politics in General

(New Yorker) Robin Wright–What Raisi’s Death Means for the Future of Iran

The theocracy in Tehran is in deep trouble on every front. “The divide between the population and leadership has only increased—as evidenced by public apathy” at parliamentary elections held in March, Sanam Vakil, an Iran expert at Chatham House, told me. Only forty-one per cent of eligible voters cast ballots—the lowest percentage since the revolution. The reason for public disillusionment is partly economic. Inflation hovered at thirty-five per cent in February; the Iranian rial plummeted to an all-time low last year. Under Raisi, the government cut back on food and fuel subsidies and did little to sustain support for health, education, and welfare. The average Iranian feels trapped in economic purgatory. And, in April, the regime, which has the largest missile arsenal in the region, was humiliated militarily. It fired more than three hundred ballistic missiles and drones at Israel in retaliation for Israel’s attack on an Iranian diplomatic facility in Syria, which killed three top generals. Iran’s weaponry either failed, was shot down, or was intercepted by Israeli, U.S., and Jordanian forces, among unnamed others. The U.S. called Iran’s brazen operation “embarrassing” and a “spectacular” failure. 

Posted in Iran

(WSJ) Burning Skin, Teary Eyes: Ukraine’s Troops Say Russia Is Using a Banned Toxic Gas

Oleksiy Bozhko, a volunteer medic whose team examined the men near the eastern city of Avdiivka, identified the gas as chloropicrin, a banned chemical irritant, based on the men’s symptoms and description of the smell. U.S. and Ukrainian officials, as well as medics, soldiers and international researchers say Russian use of toxic gases on the battlefield is increasing as Moscow ramps up an offensive designed to seize more of Ukraine’s territory than the roughly 20% it already occupies.

“This weapon cripples and kills, it’s indiscriminate,” said Bozhko.

After Ukraine repelled initial Russian attacks in 2022, the war has morphed into a grind where each side is looking for an advantage against hardened defensive lines. Seeing an opportunity in Ukraine’s shortage of weapons and reserve forces, Russia has been pressing forward on several fronts, using guided aerial bombs to smash up Ukrainian positions. Toxic gases can impair Ukrainian troops’ ability to defend entrenched positions, even forcing them to withdraw.

Read it all.
Posted in Foreign Relations, Military / Armed Forces, Russia, Ukraine, Uncategorized

A Prayer for the Feast Day of Nicolaus Copernicus and Johannes Kepler

As the heavens declare thy glory, O God, and the firmament showeth thy handiwork, we bless thy Name for the gifts of knowledge and insight thou didst bestow upon Nicolaus Copernicus and Johannes Kepler; and we pray that thou wouldst continue to advance our understanding of thy cosmos, for our good and for thy glory; through Jesus Christ, the firstborn of all creation, who with thee and the Holy Spirit livest and reignest, one God, for ever and ever. Amen.

Posted in Uncategorized

A Prayer for Pentecost from H. C. Cooksey

O Holy Spirit of God, Lord and Giver of life: Come into our hearts, we beseech thee; that enlightened by thy clear shining, and warmed by thine unselfish love, our souls may be revived to the worship of God, and our lives be dedicated anew to the service of our fellows: for Jesus Christ’s sake.

Posted in Pentecost, Spirituality/Prayer

From the Morning Scripture Readings

My son, keep my words
and treasure up my commandments with you;

keep my commandments and live,
keep my teachings as the apple of your eye;

bind them on your fingers,
write them on the tablet of your heart.

Say to wisdom, “You are my sister,”
and call insight your intimate friend;

to preserve you from the loose woman,
from the adventuress with her smooth words.

–Proverbs 7:1-5

Posted in Theology: Scripture