The Anglican Covenant will not be sent out to the provinces of the Communion for adoption until there has been consultation on the controversial section 4, the Anglican Consultative Council (ACC) voted by the narrowest of majorities at its meeting in Jamaica this week. SecÂtion 4 deals with the enforcement of the terms of the Covenant.
The chairman of the Covenant Design Group, the Most Revd Drexel Gomez, the recently-retired ArchÂbishop of the West Indies, had urged delegates not to lose the opportunity to take decisive action on the CovÂenant in what was considered to be its final form, the Ridley Draft (News, 8 May). He had predicted breaks in the Communion if it did not vote to send it out.
So cute that the perps on the delay, the Global North alignees of the ECUSA/TEC/GCC/EO-PAC and the de facto head of its “communion”, succeeded in parliamentary form the subordination of the “most representative” “Instrument of Unity”. Now the poor mouth over the need to consider the Covenant. With the lead given by the Archbishop of 815 and the refusal to consider it at the GC2009, I’d say this is pretty sophomoric.
I would that Drexel Gomez were correct. A clearer indication of the colonial and imperialist control of the former “Anglican Communion” despite the most representative Instrument Inadaba-ing can not be imagined. But there is the old saw about leading a horse to water… .