A global Anglican Futures post on the partial Anglican Primates Gathering in Italy

Of the 34 people in the photograph published by the ACO, six are not the primate of any province; one is assumed to be a representative of the Archbishop Michael Curry from TEC, who is unwell; three others are representatives of each of the ACO, the Anglican Centre in Rome and the Inter Anglican Standing Commission on Unity, Faith and Order (IASCUFO); one is the Archbishop of York; and the sixth is as yet unidentified!

That leaves 28 primates present- and two of those come from the same province – that of New Zealand, Aotearoa, New Zealand and Polynesia

Accordingly, only 27 out of the 42 provinces appear to be represented in Rome – a third have stayed away.

Read it all.

Posted in * Anglican - Episcopal, --Justin Welby, Archbishop of Canterbury, Ecclesiology, Global South Churches & Primates