The Latest Edition of the Anglican Diocese of South Carolina Enewsletter

Recap of the ACNA 2024 Provincial Assembly

More than 20 clergy and laity from our Diocese attended the ACNA Provincial Assembly held at the end of June, where we worshipped, conducted the business of the province, and witnessed the passing of authority to the new Archbishop, Steve Wood.

 “I loved being here,” said Janice Breazeale, a delegate from St. Matthew’s, Fort Motte. “It was a wonderful experience. The thing that amazed me more than anything is how much Archbishop Foley had accomplished in 10 years.”

Delegate Justin Johnson, who is the Director of Camp Jubilee, said, “The best part, for me, was the ability to reconnect with old friends from around the province,  to make new friendships, to hear what the Lord is doing in other places outside of our diocese, and to be reminded of how diverse the Kingdom of the Lord is.” Look for additional news and reflections in an upcoming Jubilate Deo. View a photo album. 

Read it all.

Posted in * South Carolina, Media, Parish Ministry