(Church Times) Cathedral visitor numbers bounce back after pandemic; services recover more slowly

Services at English cathedrals clocked up an extra five per cent attendance in 2023, although they have yet to return to pre-pandemic levels, statistics published on Thursday suggest.

The total weekly attendance at regular services at cathedrals in England rose from an average of 28,300 in 2022 to 30,300 in 2023. Despite this increase, the average was still significantly below the 2019 figure of 36,800.

By contrast, visitor numbers have largely recovered. A total of 9.35 million visited in 2023, close to the 2017 total of 9.38 million. The 2023 figure amounts to an increase of 1.4 million from 2022, although the increase in those paying or making a donation amounted to just 45,000.

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Posted in Church of England, Parish Ministry

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