Binyamin Netanyahu defies Barack Obama by refusing to halt settlements

Binyamin Netanyahu tonight endorsed the creation of a Palestinian state after weeks of pressure from Washington, but defied President Obama’s demand for a halt to all settlements.

In a high-profile speech that the Palestinian administration of Mahmoud Abbas said “hobbles all efforts to save the peace process”, the Israeli Prime Minister said that the Palestinians must recognise Israel as a “Jewish state” and that any future Palestinian state had to be demilitarised.

“If we have the guarantees on demilitarisation and if the Palestinians recognise Israel as the state of the Jewish people, then we arrive at a solution based on a demilitarised Palestinian state alongside Israel,” Mr Netanyahu said.

Read the whole article.


Posted in * Economics, Politics, * International News & Commentary, Foreign Relations, Israel, Middle East, Office of the President, Politics in General, President Barack Obama, The Palestinian/Israeli Struggle

6 comments on “Binyamin Netanyahu defies Barack Obama by refusing to halt settlements

  1. Old Soldier says:

    Go Bibi, Go!

  2. Cennydd says:

    AMEN! Tsk, tsk, Barack!

  3. 1928PrayerBookDisciple says:

    Dear Mr. Prime Minister,
    A two state solution is not the answer to the problem. It never has and never will be. There is only one answer to all this. That is for a one state solution, and that is for the single state of Israel to continue to be independent of the foreign powers who want to oppress her. Israel has more of a right to exist then the terrorists that make up the Palestinian organization.
    God gave that land to Israel centuries ago. It belongs to the Jews. It belongs to no one else.
    The Palestinians have plenty of other terrorist nations they can move to and make it their home. It is time for them to get out and leave Israel alone.
    The Prime Minister needs to stick to his guns and not promote the two state solution.
    The Anglican

  4. physician without health says:

    Some Palestinians, albeit in dwindling numbers, are Christian. Do they not have a right to be there?

  5. Katherine says:

    A lot of those Palestinian Christians are leaving because they can’t live under the increasingly strict Islamic oppression of the majority in the territories. The Palestinian cause has become a jihad, and is not rational.

    Taking the long historical view, the area has not been self-governed for over two thousand years, existing as a backwater under a succession of governors from Babylonian, Persian, Roman/Byzantine, Arab, and Ottoman Turk imperial regimes, and then the British administration. The state of Jordan, created in the same era as Israel, is the first indigenous “Palestinian” state on record, and “Palestine,” if they can ever come out of jihad mode and build a functioning state, would be the second. This is a religious battle, propelled by the fact that the people running Israel are Jews. All those other empires, and the British too, were less offensive because they weren’t Jews.

  6. Juandeveras says:

    Read Krauthammer on this.