Helen Smith: In my experience, the internet is not the disease but rather the symptom

A commenter in response to the news story, I think, hit the nail, on the head, “the internet is not the disease but the symptom.”

If a marriage is good, one will want to spend more time with their spouse, and perhaps if strained, will try to escape in various ways, which might include going online. Or, in my case, both spouses could spend a lot of time online and then use it to make their marriage better. Glenn and I discuss stuff online all the time and always have something fun to talk about. I have never laughed as hard at some of the things I read or had to think so much in response to some of them. So, I guess, like any hobby or vice (take your pick), it depends on how one uses it as to whether it is positive or negative.

Read it all.


Posted in * Culture-Watch, Blogging & the Internet, Marriage & Family

One comment on “Helen Smith: In my experience, the internet is not the disease but rather the symptom

  1. Chris says:

    Glenn, her husband, runs one of the best blogs IMO on the internet: http://www.instapundit.com. I was talking to one of Glenn’s former law school students recently and she could not figure it out either: he updates his site at least 10 times daily, ~360 days a year, yet still has time to teach law at Univ. of Tenn., and has a happy wife to boot. What a life!

    And it sounds eerily like another blogger we all know…..:)