Following Viper Company in Afghanistan

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A good piece on the huge sacrifice involved. May God bless them and their families.


Posted in * Culture-Watch, * Economics, Politics, Marriage & Family, Military / Armed Forces, War in Afghanistan

2 comments on “Following Viper Company in Afghanistan

  1. AnglicanFirst says:

    This is good coverage of a veteran and well-disciplined unit in a firefight.

    Everyone seems to be taking immediate and effective action against the enemy fire.

    Eliminating small enemy units dispersed over the country-side requires their close ‘engagement’ by light infantry. That light infantry often finds itself out on the end of a long ‘tree-limb’ with support from helicopter gunships and asrtillery often ten to 30 minutes away.

    The most deadly effect of a ‘close-in’ enemy ambush is usually ‘over’ in about 30 to 90 seconds. This did not appear to be a ‘close-in’ ambush. In South Vietnam, a ‘close-in’ ambnush usually occurred at a distance of 20 to 90 feet.

    Immediately regaining fire superiority and going to the offensive from the defensive is the sign of combat competency. Its also the best way to stay alive.

  2. Tired of Hypocrisy says:

    Thanks again for keeping this on the radar.