Sarah Palin to Resign as Governor of Alaska

Gov. Sarah Palin of Alaska announced Thursday that she would step down by the end of the month and not seek a second term as governor, allowing her to seek the Republican nomination for president in 2012.

Read it all.


Posted in * Economics, Politics, Politics in General, State Government

35 comments on “Sarah Palin to Resign as Governor of Alaska

  1. Katherine says:

    As one of the valid criticisms (not the loony stuff) of Palin was her inexperience, I don’t see how this helps a possible Presidential run.

  2. Branford says:

    As usual, Mark Steyn gets it right:

    . . .Then suddenly you get the call from Washington. You know it’ll mean Secret Service, and speechwriters, and minders vetting your wardrobe. But nobody said it would mean a mainstream network comedy host doing statutory rape gags about your 14-year old daughter. You’ve got a special-needs kid and a son in Iraq and a daughter who’s given you your first grandchild in less than ideal circumstances. That would be enough for most of us. But the special-needs kid and the daughter and most everyone else you love are a national joke, and the PC enforcers are entirely cool with it.

    Most of those who sneer at Sarah Palin have no desire to live her life. But why not try to – what’s the word? – “empathize”? If you like Wasilla and hunting and snowmachining and moose stew and politics, is the last worth giving up everything else in the hopes that one day David Letterman and Maureen Dowd might decide Trig and Bristol and the rest are sufficiently non-risible to enable you to prosper in their world? And, putting aside the odds, would you really like to be the person you’d have to turn into under that scenario?

    National office will dwindle down to the unhealthily singleminded (Clinton, Obama), the timeserving emirs of Incumbistan (Biden, McCain) and dynastic heirs (Bush). Our loss.

    I doubt she quit to run for president – I think she’s figured it’s just not worth it.

  3. Dave B says:

    #1 And Obama’s experiance is ? Palin got rid of a corrupt REPUBLICAN GOVERNMENT and helped the people of Alaska, Obama got Michelle a cushy job with ear marks to the hopital where she worked with tax payers money!

  4. Katherine says:

    Dave B, I’m not anti-Palin, so aim at someone else. Just because she was more experienced than Obama at the time of the election doesn’t mean that objectively she had enough national experience to be President. If she were going to run for President, she would have been better off to complete her term in Alaska through next year. Maybe, as #2 says, she’s just sick and tired of the insane continuing attacks on herself and her family.

  5. gdb in central Texas says:

    Sarah – “Alea iacta est” and on to Washington

  6. Chris says:

    “However controversial”

    Typical NYT bias is on display. They really, really don’t like her. Because they fear her….

  7. AnglicanFirst says:

    Reply to #6 who said
    “Because they fear her….”

    They fear her because she resonates with so many Americans, particularly in the “Red States” and with the the ‘blue collar’ constituencies in the “Blue States.”

  8. Capt. Father Warren says:

    I always love the “inexperienced” jibe that people bring up. How much and what type of experience do you need to be a leader who fires up the base of Americans who believe in America?
    There are millions upon millions of Americans who are fed up with the trashing of America, the apologizing for America. These millions are tired of working hard every darn day so they can support an entitlement class that sits around waiting for a handout. These millions upon millions who have sent their sons and daughters off to war to fight for this country are tired of seeing our open borders bleeding an even newer entitlement class into this country. These millions upon millions who were raised to respect this country, its founders, the Constitution, and the Flag are tired of those who ignore the laws of the land and wear a flag pin when poll numbers say to.
    Sarah Palin speaks to every person who gets up everyday to work and support themselves and this country. And a lot of us understand quite clearly that she is attacked the way she is by the liberal left because THEY ARE SCARED TO DEATH OF HER!
    If she pulls back to live her life, I will respect her for that. But I pray she will move into position to become the lightening rod for a movement to take back this country from those who want to turn it into another socialistic footnote in the history of failed ideas.

  9. Catholic Mom says:

    Sorry, I said it before and I’ll say it again. The woman is a flake. OK, I got attacked for that last time so I’ll re-phrase it. The woman comes across to me as a total flake. Did you hear the speech? She keeps talking about how she won’t run in 2010 because she doesn’t want to “put Alaska through” having a lame duck governor who would run around and not pay attention to state business. Huh?? First of all, why could she not pay attention to state business even as a lame duck governor?? Secondly, what the heck does that have to do with her resigning right now!!??? She never addressed that AT ALL. The statement was rambling and incoherent. The fact that a person was elected governor, even that one was effective as a governor, does not mean that one is not one can shy of a six-pack. We have quite a few governors who have demonstrated that. You may now all tell me what a political genius she is. I’ll willing to put $100 in escrow right now that says this woman will never be elected so much as dog catcher again.

  10. Katherine says:

    Capt. Deacon Warren, I agree with what you say about how I and many other people look at where our American government is going. However, we are seeing right now the effects of having an inexperienced President. He’s letting Congress run the show domestically, and then complaining after the fact about the price tag, while planning more spending, and in foreign affairs he waited to condemn an Iranian dictatorship and hastened to condemn a Central American constitutional democracy. Just because their guy is inexperienced doesn’t mean we need to follow their example. She needed more seasoning. If she runs for the Senate and wins, she’ll get it, presumably. Bailing out of her term as governor doesn’t enhance her resume.

  11. centexn says:

    #5..If you insist on using Latin idioms, could you at least translate them for those of us who are not quite so linguistically gifted?

  12. Philip Snyder says:

    #11 – It means “the die is cast.” It was said by Julius Caesar when he crossed the Rubicon with his army in defiance of the Senate’s decree. It lead to the First Triumvirant (rule by three men) and more civil war.

    Phil Snyder

  13. WoCoNation says:

    #11. “The die is cast”

    Google is your friend.

  14. Capt. Father Warren says:

    On our current trajectory, by the time the “average American” wakes up, the majority of the Obama agenda will be a done deal.
    We need a leader to ignite the conservative base of this country to stop this train wreck before it is a done deal. Step one of that process would to put such heat on the current members of congress that they stop rubberstamping the Agenda. That means they need to fear the voters more than they fear Obama. So far, they don’t.

    Like I said, he she goes off to enjoy her family life, I will respect her for that. But I pray that she might be the leader who leads the charge, because we do need a leader and the sooner, the better.

    [i] Edited by elf. [/i]

  15. Dave B says:

    Gov Palin has over $500,000 in legal bills from petty ethics suits (one involved Palin wearing an arctic cat snowmobile suit at one of her husbands races, a supposed indorsement by the Gov’s office of arctic cat). None of these ethic complaints have panned out yet the bills mount. I am sorry if her speach didn’t quite hit the right note but may be the continous frivoulous ethics charges are what Palin was refering to in her being distracted from governing the state! I have trouble the way the media handles Gov. Palin. The National Society of Newspaper Columnist gave Gov Palin the sitting duck award, how could they pass up the target rich environment of VP Biden? David Letterman thinking that some one watching there daughter have sex at a baseball game is funny is absolutly weird (and to target Palin when she was there to raise money for a charity?).The Vanity Fair article is full of unnamed sources, as were many of the attacks on her after the elections,($150,000 for Palin’s wardrobe for the election yet the media doesn’t bat an eye when Obama spends $250,000 of tax payers money for an over night date?) these people that criticise her with out givng there names are cowards. The press taking seriously the internet rumor that Trig was Bristol’s child is simply indefensable.

  16. Dave B says:

    “Just because she was more experienced than Obama at the time of the election doesn’t mean that objectively she had enough national experience to be President”. Katherine, Palin was running for Vice President, not President..I think Palin was qualified to be Vice President, McCain certianly had enought experiance to be president..

  17. Katherine says:

    Yes, Dave B. but we have to be reasonable about how she would be treated if she runs for President. The press overlooked Obama’s inexperience because they adore him. They played up Palin’s because they hate what she stands for. That won’t change.

    I tend to agree with your point about her perhaps wanting to repair the holes in the family budget made by all the false ethics charges. If she wants to make money giving speeches and spend more time with her family, more power to her.

    Capt. Deacon Warren, as to “inexperience,” you’re citing things on which you disagree with Obama, and I’m with you on those. But he had, I think, only about a half-year as a U.S. Senator before he began his presidential run. That’s inexperience. I though Palin had considerable potential and I think she’s damaged that by leaving her elected post early, that’s all. She may not care at this point. The press hounding has been inexcusable.

  18. tgs says:

    #14. You are absolutely right. Congress does not fear the voters. Case in point, after Congress passed the first 700 billion dollar bailout not long before the 2008 elections none of our representatives paid a price for their yes vote so why should they fear the voters? If some way is not found to arouse the public to vote to throw the rascals out in 2010 who are voting yes on further bailouts and the massive government takeover being pushed through Congress, then America will likely fall and the light of American liberty will be extinguished. Perhaps instead of only just analyzing and discussing what’s going on, we should be analyzing and discussing ways to arouse the citizenry to stop this blitzkrieg of destruction of our country and then act on them. I don’t believe we can wait on someone else to do it for us this time.

  19. Capt. Father Warren says:

    #17 Katherine: Obama has all the experience he needs, to do what he intends to do. What we see him doing is not as a result of any “inexperience” that we think is a flaw. He just doesn’t care about being President in the normal way we think of being President. He wants to remake this country (his own words by the way), he wants to redistribute wealth to those whom he thinks it was somehow taken from. He wants to turn from American exceptionalism to the norms of the United Nations.

    [i] Slightly edited by elf. [/i]

  20. Dave B says:

    Cpt Warren I think you are point on, I wonder is Soros is really calling the shots?

  21. Catholic Mom says:

    [i] Ad hominim attacks about Gov. Palin will be deleted. [/i]

  22. First Family Virginian says:

    If she is the GOP nomination in 2012, I can see the headline now: [b]Democrats Sweep Election[/b]

  23. Cennydd says:

    I would be utterly ashamed to call myself a “member of the press” or a “media hawk” these days. These people take absolute delight in doing a hatchet job on those in the limelight whom they don’t like for one reason or another! So it should’ve come as no surprise that Governor Palin announced her resignation, and who can blame her? I sure don’t! Nobody….and I mean NOBODY….should have to tolerate such shabby treatment. Does it “go with the job?” Sure, but why should it?

  24. Dave B says:

    Cennydd wrote:
    NO it doesn’t go with the job if you are a left wing marxist…you get a pass!

  25. Bill C says:

    Governor Palin has possibly decided that her family comes first and she has had enough of the consistent trashing by the liberal press and other media.

    The other possibility might be that she wants to run for president or vice-president and wants to build experience and knowledge about the national role she might run for. That was certainly one of her weaknesses last year. If that is her plan then she is greatly to be admired. I hate these politicians who expend a huge amount of time and energy while neglecting their present jobs -such as Obama who was supposed to be a senator. What did he have time to do while he was in the senate. Same for Clinton -and others.

    I greatly hope that she is planning the latter.

  26. CharlesB says:

    Ok, so let’s say, just for grins, one of Alaska’s Senators or Congressmen has decided to resign and has confided in Sarah, who makes a deal with the Lt. Gov. to appoint her to the opening. Voila! Instant stage for her to assume leadership of the leader-less Republican conservative party and, the next step is: our first female president in 2012. By then, everybody will be fed up with Obamania. Just a thought.

  27. athan-asi-us says:

    CharlesB: We can only hope that this is the scenario. I wonder what former Sen. Ted Stevens thinks of all this? As a former Alaskan, I have found Alaskan politics fascinating. Palin was (is) a breath of fresh air …. Catholic Mom should live in Wasilla for a while and get used to the Alaskan spirit of conservative independence that has a religous core. These folks are the salt of the earth (Mat 5:13.

    [Slightly edited by Elf]

  28. WoCoNation says:

    #25: What you have postulated would be extremely unethical.

  29. Katherine says:

    #27, it would certainly be unethical if money or other value changed hands, Chicago-style. This sort of thing has happened in Massachusetts, to benefit the Kennedy clan, and may happen again when the current Sen. Kennedy goes.

  30. Katherine says:

    I should be more specific about my #28. I don’t know of any money or value changing hands in the Massachusetts Kennedy instances, although clearly influence was and is involved. In Chicago, well, the unethical nature of how things work there has been clear for decades.

  31. CharlesB says:

    OK, #27. How about this: She is planning to run for a seat that is up for election in 2010. I don’t know if there is one. Just a wild guess. Maybe I should Google it. Regardless, she would have my vote for president. I might even move to Florida so that I could vote several times.

  32. WoCoNation says:

    #30: Alaska does have a Senate seat up for election in 2010, and could probably win if she were to run. Obviously, Alaska’s House seat comes up for election as well, though I really doubt Palin is interested.

    To clarify, I have no problem with her resigning to [i]run[/i] for another public office. That’s certainly well within her rights. What I find unethical is the assertion that she would use inside knowledge of a Senator’s coming resignation and her (former) position of governor to take the seat without being elected. Essentially this is saying to her Lt. Governor “I’ll make you Governor if you make me Senator.” Maybe that’s politics, but I say it stinks.

    [i]Please note that this scenario is hypothetical. I’m not accusing Mrs. Palin of anything. I’m simply responding to a course of action put forth by #27.[/i]

  33. Catholic Mom says:

    she is certainly not a flake. Catholic Mom should live in Wasilla for a while and get used to the Alaskan spirit of conservative independence that has a religous core. These folks are the salt of the earth

    1. Alaska has no special monopoly on being the salt of the earth. I live surrounded by people who are the salt of the earth here in NJ.

    2. My parents came from Ohio and Minnesota. They felt strongly that THEY came from “the salt of the earth.”

    3. That the woman is a flake is totally independent of whether or not people in her state are or not

    more salt of the earth than anybody anywhere else.
    Everytime she opens her mouth she says something seriously flakey, or she says something reasonable but in a flakey way. I can barely listen to the woman speak for more than three minutes without wincing. Sorry, that’s my opinion. If people on this list want to believe that the blue states are trembling in fear at this woman’s great political potential they are deluding themselves. Most blue states think she’s a flake. The current flakey episode along with the rambling and flakey statement (with no questions allowed) does little to change her image.

  34. Katherine says:

    Funny thing, Catholic Mom. I have the same sort of reaction to the person who actually was elected to the Vice Presidency in 2008.

  35. Old Soldier says:

    She galvinates the folks, ergo she must be destroyed.