40 days of Anglican Prayer

An interesting website.

Posted in * Anglican - Episcopal

10 comments on “40 days of Anglican Prayer

  1. Kevin Maney+ says:

    I wish the developer well and hope he changes his noisy background. It makes it VERY hard to read the text and is very distracting.

  2. WilliamS says:

    Professor Fate:
    Thank you for your comment. I assume the ‘noisy background’ is the wallpaper (since there is no audio on the site)? This site was made on a Mac and I’ve only been able to view it on a Mac. If others are having trouble reading the text, please let me know.

  3. John A. says:

    The red text on the blue background is almost impossible to read.

  4. Kevin Maney+ says:

    Yes, I meant the wallpaper; it provides classic learning interference by being terribly distracting. I’m a Mac guy too so don’t know what the site looks like on Windoze.

    More importantly I don’t want to pull this thread off topic so that it degenerates into a list of complaints about the site’s look and feel. Neither do I want us to lose sight of what the website is trying to do because I think it’s very, very important and very much needed.

    My only suggestion (and please do not read it as a criticism) was/is to clean up the background so as not to distract readers.

  5. WilliamS says:

    Constructive criticism always welcome. Please check out the new solid background.

    As a somewhat conflicted student at a nondenominational seminary several years ago, I found that the writings of classical Anglican theologians helped me find my niche. The site is based on a belief and a hope. The belief is that prayer is our best strategy during these times (since it appears that everything that there is to say has already been said). The hope is that a few words from our forbearers might help remind us of who we are.

  6. Kevin Maney+ says:

    Hi William. Much better. If you insist on using a dark background, I would suggest you stick with variations of white text rather than red, green, etc.

    Thank you for this effort. We need resources like this. Blessings.

  7. Karen B. says:

    Really appreciate this site.

    We’ve also been slowly gearing up a prayer effort for this period at Lent & Beyond (which is back online after a few days of server troubles last week). Our focus has been in praying and fasting for ++Rowan Williams:

    see these posts:

    Here is our category for prayers for Anglican leaders:

    And our “Anglican Prayer & Intercession” category (which includes not only the prayers for Anglican leaders, but also daily lectionary-based prayer posts from Torre Bissell in the diocese of Albany:

  8. WilliamS says:

    I think Lent & Beyond is a great resource. I particularly appreciate the lectionary-based prayer posts.

    Although I might happily wish all this turmoil away, I think it has made me someone who finds himself praying more–and not just about Communion-wide issues.

    And just one comment about ‘site mechanics:’ A couple of people don’t care for the red text. I’ve experimented with different things, but my problem is that it all looks clear to me, so I can’t tell if making changes will make things better or worse. Fortunately, none of the narrative texts on the daily posts are in red. Sorry for the inconvenience.


  9. wvparson says:

    It’s a splendid idea and I hope it is widely used during these next few weeks.

  10. KAR says:

    Good idea!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! [and a few more “!” too]