How did Roger Federer Hit That Shot?


Posted in * Culture-Watch, Sports

5 comments on “How did Roger Federer Hit That Shot?

  1. InChristAlone says:

    That is rediculous! I wish I could play like that.

  2. New Reformation Advocate says:

    Don’t we all? Like all great athletes in any sport, Federer makes superb play look easy. Like his victory was inevitable.

    Yes, an unbelievable shot. It looks like pure luck that it worked.

    But as Bobby Fischer once replied, when someone commented that he was lucky to have won a certain chess game, “The good player is always ‘lucky.'” That is, he creates his own [i]luck[/i].

    Of course, as Christians, we believe that ultimately there’s no such thing as luck.

    Thanks for posting this delightful footage, Kendall.

    David Handy+
    (back from vacation)

  3. Hakkatan says:

    There is nothing like hours of practice to make one “lucky.”

  4. Bob Lee says:

    Aye. That IS a practiced shot for the pros.


  5. Br_er Rabbit says:

    From the expression on his face, it seemed that he didn’t really have that much faith that his shot would have really worked. The only one more surprised would have been his opponent.