Julia Duin–Anglican Bishop Martyn Minns tells Lutherans to leave

Read it all and watch the whole video.


Posted in * Anglican - Episcopal, * Religion News & Commentary, CANA, Lutheran, Other Churches, Sexuality Debate (Other denominations and faiths)

6 comments on “Julia Duin–Anglican Bishop Martyn Minns tells Lutherans to leave

  1. New Reformation Advocate says:

    Thanks, Kendall. I’m glad you highlighted this item, and that Julia Duin noticed it too and called attention to it. It’s unclear what the Lutherans in CORE will do. I for one will be watching what happens in Indy this weekend with interest. The New Reformation isn’t limited to Anglicanism by any means. And it’s picking up momentum.

    But at the very least, I hope the Lutherans in CORE will make common cause with those of us in ACNA. We ought to be able to encourage each other, as we all “contend for the faith delivered once for all to the saints” (Jude 3). It’s always great to know you’re not alone, and others are fighting with you for the sake of the true gospel.

    David Handy+

  2. canluth says:

    Thank-you for your prayers.

  3. Harry Edmon says:

    Many in the LCMS are also praying for our brothers and sisters in the ELCA, especially those meeting in Indy this weekend. We hope you arrive at decisions that are faithful to the Scriptures and the Lutheran Confessions.

  4. Festivus says:

    He made no call to anyone in ELCA to leave.

  5. RalphM says:

    +Minns refers to the freedom that comes from moving away from a church that has lost its way. It is not advice for those in ELCA to leave. It is also my recollection that Lutherans have options that allow individual churches to re-affiliate with another branch of their denomination.

  6. Lutheran Visitor says:

    Greetings to our Anglican friends.
    Thought you might be interested in knowing that Bp. Minns’ greetings video was shown at the Lutheran CORE convocation just after our worship service this morning. We are most appreciative of the message of support from our brothers and sisters in Christ in the ACNA. Please do keep us in your prayers, as we embark on a year’s process of discerning and developing, as our convocation voted today, a plan for the “reconfiguration of North American Lutheranism.”
    As we hope you will keep us in your prayers, we will keep you in ours.
    Ryan Schwarz
    Lutheran CORE Steering Committee