AIDS Nurse Addresses Communion and Liberation

From Zenit:

The nurse warned that the greatest problem of the continent isn’t poverty or a lack of infrastructure, but rather “the absence of reference points [”¦] an ideal and a sense of the meaning of life is lacking.”

She contended that this has caused a general insecurity in personal relationships.

Busingye said she combats this phenomenon by responding not only to the material needs of her patients, but trying to make them aware of their worth, which cannot be reduced even if they are sunk in misery.”

To promote change, Busingye encourages not only children, but also their parents, to get an education.

Read it all.

Posted in * International News & Commentary, Africa

One comment on “AIDS Nurse Addresses Communion and Liberation

  1. drjoan says:

    I hope the knowledge of “who one is” includes the fact that of one being a person “made in the image of God” and here to “know, love, and serve God in this life and to be with Him in the next.”