Vatican Newspaper Denounces Swiss Theologian

The Vatican newspaper has criticized the Swiss-born Roman Catholic theologian Hans Kung after he accused Pope Benedict XVI of an “unecumenical luring away” of discontented Anglicans.

A column signed by the editor of L’Osservatore Romano, Giovanni Maria Vian, in Thursday’s (Oct. 29) edition said an article by Kung published in several European newspapers contained “lies and inaccuracies”.

The Vatican announced in October that Benedict will set up a structure to allow former Anglicans to enter full communion with the Catholic Church, while preserving elements of Anglican spiritual and liturgical practices.

Read it all.


Posted in * Religion News & Commentary, Other Churches, Pope Benedict XVI, Roman Catholic

6 comments on “Vatican Newspaper Denounces Swiss Theologian

  1. Brian from T19 says:

    Kung never can get a break!

  2. Conchúr says:

    All his travails are of his own making. He never opens his mouth but to change feet.

  3. Doug Martin says:

    Why we are Episcopalian. Why we aren’t going to be Catholic any time soon. Can you imagine the vocal critics of TEC and its PB suddenly becoming mute on the expressed opinions of the church leader because he is “infallible”? Can you imagine them tolerating the same critics being tossed out on their ear when they can’t be silenced? The Vatican solicitation makes good blog copy, but that will be the end of it. The Orthodox churches aren’t going to accept the absolute authority of the Pope any time soon either. The Covenant simply substitutes an African oligarchy for the Pope. Not going to happen here. (Thank God!)

  4. Conchúr says:

    Way to miss the point.

  5. Branford says:

    #3 – you’re joking, right??

  6. MikeS says:

    Vatican newspaper denounces Hans Kung

    In other headlines, Dog bites man. Details at 11.