Father John Zuhlsdorf: Thanksgiving on the road and abroad

Once, in that eon before bandwidth, my mother came to visit. I had a big apartment with lots of room close the to the Vatican.

Coming home one evening at suppertime, ready to dig into the kitchen and make something to eat for us, I arrived at the door and was greeted with wondrous fragrances.

The table was set and there was great golden brown bird and dishes with delights.

That it was Thanksgiving struck me like thunder.

The woman had, without any knowledge of Italian, gone to the neighborhood stores and the open market. She had collected everything useful she could find for the day. She managed to decipher the Italian oven, which doesn’t have degree settings even in centigrade. She made a Thanksgiving feast.

You need to read the rest–wonderful stuff.


Posted in * Culture-Watch, * International News & Commentary, Europe, Italy, Marriage & Family, Travel

One comment on “Father John Zuhlsdorf: Thanksgiving on the road and abroad

  1. CristobalS says:

    That is so very sweet of your mother, surprising you with a Thanksgiving party. And she is good to make her way to the Italian market. Hope you enjoyed the dinner very good. Well, she is the type that doesn’t need [url=http://personalmoneystore.com/moneyblog/2009/11/24/stressing-lack-money/]borrowing of money[/url] for some help in the kitchen and in the market.