Movies That Should Die With The Decade

Ever slap down $10 for a ticket for a film so foul you choked on the popcorn? It’s time for payback. Film critic Bob Mondello has caught the worst offenders of the past 10 years.

First, some ground rules. The film has to have burned a big enough American audience to be worth talking about ”” at least 4 million people at, say, $7.50 a pop, or roughly $30 million. That excludes Paris Hilton’s The Hottie and the Nottie, which only made $27,000 in the United States ”” though it made $1.5 million in Russia.

Second, to recognize the singular dreadfulness of each movie, we’re breaking the list into categories.

Read or listen to it all.

Posted in * Culture-Watch, Movies & Television

8 comments on “Movies That Should Die With The Decade

  1. Archer_of_the_Forest says:

    I’ll grant you Battlefield Earth was so bad that it didn’t even make sense if you were smashed.

  2. David Keller says:

    I have never watched “Pearl Harbor” because in the trailer, the Japanese are bombing Spruance class destroyers; which is a pretty neat trick since the first one wasn’t commissioned until 1975.

  3. Intercessor says:

    What? No Borat on this list? If you laughed at this monument to vulgarity you win the Michael Vick award this week….

  4. Archer_of_the_Forest says:

    I don’t understand why Pearl Harbor is on the list. It wasn’t a good movie, but it wasn’t that bad. I can think of 25 movies off the top of my head that were way worse than Pearl Harbor.

    I’m looking at you Cat in the Hat, Norbit, Catwoman, and Pluto Nash!

  5. Intercessor says:

    #4—Wow. That is one brutal list and I know it is just the beginning.

  6. elanor says:

    My personal unfavorite was Sideways. Great scenery, but what a bunch of degenerates. I wanted my 2 hrs back before the credits rolled …

  7. azusa says:

    That’s $100 I saved …

  8. Septuagenarian says:

    I don’t go to that many movies. The worst I did manage to see were Borat, Anchorman and Hancock. Hancock particularly irritated me because if you had seen the previews, you saw the only parts worth watching.