From the Do Not Take Yourself Too Seriously department

A priest was being honored at his retirement dinner after 25 years in the Parish. A leading local politician and member of the congregation was chosen to make the presentation and give a little speech at the dinner. He was delayed, so the priest decided to say his own few words while they waited.

“I got my first impression of the parish from the first confession I heard here. I thought I had been assigned to a terrible place. The very first person who entered my confessional told me he had stolen a television Set and, when questioned by the police, was able to lie his way out of it. He had stolen money from his parents, embezzled from his employer, had an affair with his boss’s wife, and taken illegal drugs, among other things time doesn’t permit me to mention. I was appalled. But as the days went on, I knew that my people were not all like that and I had, indeed, come to a mighty fine parish — full of good and loving people.”

Just as the priest finished his talk, the politician arrived, full of apologies for being late. He immediately began to make the presentation and gave his talk. ” I’ll never forget the first day our parish priest arrived,” said the politician. “In fact, I had the honor of being the first person to go to him for confession.”


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9 comments on “From the Do Not Take Yourself Too Seriously department

  1. KAR says:

    Snicker, snicker

  2. libraryjim says:

    So much for the sacred seal of the confessional! Yikes!

    Reminds me of the scene in the British comedy show (Brit-com) “Bless me, Father” where after much convincing, the elderly priest agrees to wear a wireless microphone for Mass so people can better hear his sermon.

    Unfortunately, he forgets he still has it on (and turned on) when he enters the confessional ……

    the ensuing chaos that erupts as the ‘new’ assistant priest (newly ordained) tries to figure a way to cut the sound off without violating the seal of the confessional is a riot!

  3. Albany* says:

    “So much for the sacred seal of the confessional!”
    This is worthy of an entire thread. The Confessional and TEC. Truly, too many clergy don’t have a clue and haven’t any business hearing one. A scandal worthy of much discussion here.

  4. Words Matter says:

    I used to go to confession in “The Box”, with the priest in the middle, a penitent confessing on one side, and another preparing on the other. The bad part was that you really had to work to not hear the other penitent. I didn’t do confession that way too often.

  5. stjohnsrector says:

    Bishop Wantland told this story in a canon law senior seminar at Nashotah House (1994), to demonstrate the seal of the confessional (but instead of a politician it was the senior warden who is the fall guy). It is interesting it has been dredged up and passed around again as if it were a real story.

  6. CharlesB says:

    This local politician sgould run for congress. He would fit right in.

  7. Albany* says:

    #5 That’s very reassuring. Nonetheless, my comment stands.

  8. art+ says:

    this is a joke, a humerous story, not a real event. It is meant to give you a chuckle.

  9. libraryjim says:

    Do you listen to “John Boy and Billy”? That sounds like a quote from Rev. Ernest Lee Sincere when one of his jokes fell apart. 🙂