Episcopal Church Statistics (I): ASA (Average Sunday Attendance) 1997-2008

Check it out (our thanks to a blog reader).


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6 comments on “Episcopal Church Statistics (I): ASA (Average Sunday Attendance) 1997-2008

  1. tjmcmahon says:

    The projected numbers for Quincy strain credulity. Unless TEC is busing people in from diocese of Chicago.

    And given the size of the average TEC parish, if a priest does 2 services, and counts himself as present at both, he can increase the ASA of the parish by 1.5%.

  2. Betsybrowneyes says:

    Thanks for the information. As an Episcopalian in the Pittsburgh diocese who chose a different parish so I could remain a part of TEC, I can understand the figures. It’s a transfer pattern not unusual in this area. We who are traditional Episcopalians gravitate to parishes still in TEC. Those more comfortable with ACNA join their parishes. It may surprise some of your readers that many of the Pittsburghers remaining, myself included, are conservative. In our missions, we have more in common than not. And I believe that’s where future emphasis should be. God bless.

  3. Sarah says:

    This has [i]got[/i] to be some of the [i]Most Divisive and Inflammatory[/i] rhetoric yet posted by Kendall.

    It is Lent.

    How about Kendall Harmon give up Divisive and Inflammatory Rhetoric for Lent!!!

    Why don’t you just leave TEC, since you obviously hate TEC so much? That’s transparently obvious when you post such Divisive and Inflammatory charts. Why not post some positive news, for once in your blogging career??? Why not sing to us a new tune about TEC and talk about how we are growing and thriving, thriving and growing — and the MDGs???

    And further, these Divisive and Inflammatory posts are obviously completely false, since our Presiding Bishop says “that she was struck that the most recent trend of declining membership began in 2000 and 2001, “long before the actions of General Convention 2003, which is often the spin that is out there.”

    I assume that is why Kendall Harmon — Most Divisive Blogger Ever — chose ASA to chart, rather than membership, since ASA is not in decline in 2000 and 2001, “long before the actions of General Convention 2003.”

    Have you no shame, sir???

    Really — have you no shame?

  4. trimom says:

    oh, wait….. has this been peer- reviewed?

  5. trimom says:

    Of course, the most logicl conclusion to the growth in South Carolina since 2003 has to be the overwhelming approval of Robinson’s consecration……right? Right? Anyone?

  6. Sarah says:

    Yes, trimom has a valid point. This stuff hasn’t even been peer-reviewed!