From the Do Not Take Yourself Too Seriously Department: Discernment

Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson went on a camping trip. As they lay down
for the night, Holmes said: “Watson, look up into the sky and tell me what
you see”.

Watson: “I see millions and millions of stars”.

Holmes: “And what does that tell you?”

Watson: “Astronomically, it tells me that there are millions of galaxies
and potentially billions of planets. Theologically, it tells me that God
is great and that we are small and insignificant. Meteorologically, it tells
me that we will have a beautiful day tomorrow. What does it tell you?”

Holmes: “Somebody stole our tent.”


Posted in * General Interest, Humor / Trivia

5 comments on “From the Do Not Take Yourself Too Seriously Department: Discernment

  1. LumenChristie says:

    Thanks –One of my favorites.

    Perhaps when our tents have been stolen from over our heads, we will be able to remember that the stars are our homeland.

  2. Philip Snyder says:

    There was a man in Kansas that was a wheat farmer (like most farmers in Kansas). But he had the worst luck in farming. One evening, after a thunderstorm had flattened his crop, he shook his fist at Heaven and exclaimed: “I’m a failure as a farmer! I wish you would tell me what to do!”
    The sky turned light and the clouds formed the letters “G P C.”
    The farmer thinks: “Hmmm G P C. It must mean ‘Go Preach Christ.’ God has called me to the ministry!”
    He enrolls in seminary and barely squeeks by but presses on, confident of his call.
    After another 15 years of miserable work the man dies – knowing that he was been a poor pastor, but confident that God called him.
    When he meets God in heaven, he says: “Lord, I was a worse preacher than a farmer. Why did you call me to the ministry?”
    God answers: “Son, I never called you to the ministry.”
    The man answers: “But… but ‘GPC’ – I did what you told me – Go Preach Christ.”
    God answers: “Son, GPC stood for Go Plan Corn!”

    Phil Snyder

  3. graydon says:

    Thanks. It’s a reminder to not overlook the obvious. I posted a copy on my office door to remind my people as they walk by.

  4. New Reformation Advocate says:

    Delightful, Kendall. As Holy Writ says, Laughter does good like a medicine.

    David Handy+

  5. David Hein says:

    I like it.