A Prayer for Good Friday (VIII)

O God, whose blessed Son endured the loneliness and darkness of the cross, that we might enjoy eternal fellowship with thee: Grant that amidst life’s shadows we may know that we are never forsaken, but that we are ever walking in the light of thy countenance; through the same Jesus Christ our Lord.

Posted in * Christian Life / Church Life, Church Year / Liturgical Seasons, Holy Week, Spirituality/Prayer

One comment on “A Prayer for Good Friday (VIII)

  1. DonGander says:

    “O God, whose blessed Son endured the loneliness and darkness of the cross, that we might enjoy eternal fellowship with thee:..”

    I think that among all the details of the horror of the cross this bit goes understated, yet, is the the only thing that caused our Savior to cry out in agony. It is the loneliness, the separation from God, the real terror of the cross and the real terror of our sins.

    There is no comprehending it. We could have our hands and feet pinned to a cross and never feel it. But Jesus felt it. It was the Hell for Him that brought salvation to me. It is not comprehendible, yet I weep.
