Kendall Photo Album 2: The silly side (part 1)

As our family informant noted, Kendall can be very silly at times. Here are a few more pix from Kendall as he was growing up, with a few special shots celebrating Kendall’s love of a good time, and his wonderful. infectious and well-known laugh! We’ve provided a few captions sent to us along with the pictures, but once again: creative caption submissions are welcome!

Kendall in elementary school:

Kendall is quite silly some times, here playing the “hysterical fan”

Kendall in high school:

He is known for his laugh – it is recognizable from a distance:

Posted in * Admin, * By Kendall, Harmon Family

One comment on “Kendall Photo Album 2: The silly side (part 1)

  1. The_Elves says:

    My caption for the first picture (elementary school):
    “Even from a young age, Kendall was able to grasp and demonstrate the terrible weakness in Anglican Communion structures: missing teeth!”

    Happy Birthday Kendall!!! – elf girl