Ash Plume across the North Atlantic

A picture that is worth thousands and thousands of travellers stranded in Europe. Ugh.


Posted in * Culture-Watch, Travel

8 comments on “Ash Plume across the North Atlantic

  1. orthodoxwill says:

    Check out its [url=]”face” [/url]

  2. drjoan says:

    I notice with amusement that most newscasters omit saying the name of the volcano!!

  3. Br. Michael says:

    Volcanos happen. Oh, I forgot, it’s all the fault of man made climate change.

  4. Katherine says:

    That face is frightening.

    Br. Michael, I’ve actually seen a statement to the effect that global warming will cause more volcanoes because the melting of the glaciers will unweight the volcanoes underneath. I leave it to others to explain how that makes sense. Plus, in the link at #1 above, volcano experts are saying that they fear this eruption may trigger an eruption in a nearby volcano which will be, they say, much more powerful because it’s underneath a glacier. Apparently the magma from this volcano is vaporizing as it hits the ice. Observers were hoping the silica cloud would decline after enough of the ice is melted so that the super-heated magma doesn’t come into immediate contact.

  5. Simon Sarmiento says:

    [i]”thousands and thousands of travellers stranded in Europe”[/i]

    Not to mention thousands more stranded elsewhere, including the United States.

  6. libraryjim says:

    According to tv news, In the US, the airlines do not have to provide accommodations to stranded travelers, if the cause is ‘out of their control. In Europe, the rules are a bit different, and the airlines are providing meals and cots for those stranded.

    I think this would be a GREAT opportunity for the Church to show her purpose in assisting those in the US airports.

  7. RichardKew says:

    My daughter’s mother-in-law was due to return from England to Ohio on Thursday, but seems now resigned to settling down to a long wait — although enjoying her/our grandchildren is the bonus. One of the issues now being raised on the media is that there are a lot of flowers and produce that come from East Africa to Europe. Kenyan farms are already beginning to trash their products and lay off their workers because they have no way of getting them to market.

  8. NoVA Scout says:

    I left France on the 12th to return to the United States, completely oblivious to the close call I had with becoming stranded indefinitely. Phew. No. 6 makes an excellent point about churches providing assistance. We are alert enough to major disasters, like the earthquake in Haiti, but this provides an opportunity close at hand to reach out in love in the name of Christ.