Muslim soldier: Army has not addressed harassment complaints

Two months after a Muslim soldier complained to the Pentagon about being harassed in the wake of the Fort Hood shootings, Spec. Zachari Klawonn said the Army has not followed through on its promises to address problems at the country’s largest military base.

Commanders at Fort Hood, Tex., moved Klawonn, 20, off post for his safety in March after a threatening note with religious slurs was left at his barracks door. But then the military failed to provide him the standard stipend for off-post housing, Klawonn said. In recent weeks, he’s had to take out two loans, borrow an additional $300 from a nonprofit group and pawn his possessions to pay the bills.

Klawonn said he asked for the housing allowance repeatedly, making his appeals up the chain of command. Last week, after a reporter asked about the housing allowance, Klawonn said he was called by his commanders and told he would begin receiving his stipend June 1.

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Posted in * Culture-Watch, * Religion News & Commentary, Islam, Military / Armed Forces, Other Faiths, Religion & Culture

One comment on “Muslim soldier: Army has not addressed harassment complaints

  1. Capt. Father Warren says:

    And why is this an issue? Does this soldier’s presence enhance the security of the United States? So much of what we do to our military today in terms of social engineering and political correctness has nothing to do with the military’s prime mission: protection of our country. That should be the only lens through which questions of this sort are examined.