For Those of You who have been Asking

Yes, I am still on vacation, I have been up in New York State visiting my Dad and IT HAS BEEN MUCH HOTTER HERE THAN IN SOUTH CAROLINA (go figure)–KSH.


Posted in * By Kendall, Harmon Family

5 comments on “For Those of You who have been Asking

  1. Pb says:

    Could someone post the Christ Church Savannah appeal story found at Appelate court follows trial court opinion.

  2. Ad Orientem says:

    Hope you are staying cool. I too am on vacation in upstate New York visiting family. And the heat (or more accurately the humidity) has been appalling. I can deal with triple digits in CA. But there at least the heat is dry.

  3. Gartenfrau says:

    We’re heading from Detroit to Nashville. I figure the hot weather was getting me ready for going down south. I’m looking forward to REAL sweet tea!

  4. Pb says:

    Try this link for Savannah story

    This was posted yesterday but something was amiss, you can find it late yesterday afternoon–ed.

  5. Cennydd says:

    Kendall, my wife and I are very familiar with upstate New York weather. I’m originally from northern Oneida County, and we have a camp on Piseco Lake; nice place to be at when the sultry summer heat hits the Utica area! Here in California’s Central Valley, it gets HOT, but at least it’s a dry heat.